Today I learned: Not all #nuTrek is bad, I'm actually quite enjoying Star Trek Prodigy, I don't want any #spoilers but did they figure out the mystery behind the #ProtoStar #StarTrek #Prodigy
#prodigy #startrek #protostar #spoilers #NuTrek
Congrats! You wake up and are now canon in star trek. Which ship are you on and what are you doing?
I’d be so confused if that happened, realistically, I feel like I’d be on the Cerritos or discovery. Honestly idk much about ships/ship class. 😅
#startrek #trektok #trektokcrew #startrekthenextgeneration #startrekvoyager #startreklowerdecks #nutrek
#startrek #trektok #trektokcrew #startrekthenextgeneration #startrekvoyager #StarTrekLowerDecks #NuTrek
Everyone is out tonight so I'm catching up on some telly. I haven't watched all the #NuTrek but I absolutely adore #LowerDecks and #StarTrekProdigy and *really* enjoyed #StrangeNewWorlds
#NuTrek #lowerdecks #StarTrekProdigy #strangenewworlds
Star Trek Picard hat so viel Potential gehabt. Aber .... Es ist und bleibt leider einfach nur #NuTrek 😭