RT @koebergalert
#NuclearMyths: Old #nuclear reactors can simply be refurbished to extend their life. Actually, stress corrosion and tiny cracks found in old French reactors cause shutdowns to be further extended due to #nuclearsafety concerns. What about #Koeberg?🤔 https://www.france24.com/en/france/20220825-france-prolongs-shutdown-of-nuclear-reactors-over-corrosion-amid-rising-energy-prices
#NuclearMyths #nuclear #nuclearsafety #Koeberg
RT @koebergalert
#NuclearMyths: Nuclear power doesn't impact the environment. Actually, #ClimateChange has already resulted in the French #nuclear regulator granting a “temporary waiver” to plants to discharge hot water into rivers in breach of environmental standards. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-08/edf-gets-waiver-to-keep-nuclear-plants-online-in-hot-weather
#NuclearMyths #climatechange #nuclear
RT @koebergalert
#NuclearMyths: Koeberg is reliable. Actually, we have lost count of how many oopsies there have been recently. The latest: a faulty control rod resulted in yet another shutdown. Is it worth trying to keep this ageing, unreliable plant running? At what cost? #emergentdefects
#JustTrustHomer #NuclearMyths #emergentdefects
RT @koebergalert #NuclearMyths: We should be more like France. Actually, French electricity company EDF, heavily reliant on nuclear energy, is laden with debt, lost €5.3bn over six months and is now suing the French government for a bailout of €8.3bn (R138bn). https://www.dumptheguardian.com/business/2022/aug/10/edf-sues-french-government-for-7bn-after-forced-to-sell-energy-at-a-loss-macron-price-cap
RT @koebergalert
#NuclearMyths: Small Modular Reactors are better. Actually, SMRs make more nuclear waste: “… small modular designs are inferior to conventional reactors with respect to radioactive waste generation, management requirements, and disposal options.” https://news.stanford.edu/press-releases/2022/05/30/small-modular-rels-nuclear-waste/
RT @koebergalert
#NuclearMyths: Nuclear generates more electricity than renewables in #SouthAfrica. Actually, in 2021 renewable energy delivered 13.4TWh, about 6% of the national demand. #Koeberg #nuclear plant delivered only 12TWh or about 5%. Is it worth the risk? https://meridianeconomics.co.za/our-publications/resolving-load-shedding-part-b-the-game-plan-2/
#NuclearMyths #southafrica #Koeberg #nuclear
RT @koebergalert
#NuclearMyths: Koeberg provides reliable power. Nuclear power is often quoted as having an availability of 93% but the reality is very different as this data from @Eskom_SA shows that it is actually around 70%. Except in 2022 when it will be at most 50%...
#Koeberg #CapeTown
#NuclearMyths #Koeberg #capetown
RT @koebergalert
#NuclearMyths: #Nuclear power is a solution to climate change? But nuclear plants take over a decade to build! #RenewableEnergy can go from planning to dispatch in 2-3 years. We don’t have time to build nuclear plants. https://twitter.com/boellza/status/1457057947708583936
#NuclearMyths #nuclear #renewableenergy
RT @koebergalert
#NuclearMyths: #Koeberg is reliable, safe, and cheap: On 28 Oct @Eskom_SA found there had been a #radiation leak in the ventilation at the #nuclear plant due to faulty filtration units & they needed to evacuate the Central Alarm Station. What will malfunction next?
#NuclearMyths #Koeberg #radiation #nuclear #capetown