Technology, ditto. #science #technology #progress #NuclearWeapons #GlobalWarming #missiles #plastics #chemicals #GMOCrops #AI #NuclearEnergy #solutionism
#science #technology #progress #Nuclearweapons #globalwarming #missiles #plastics #chemicals #gmocrops #ai #nuclearenergy #solutionism
Wer sich näher mit #Uranbergbau im #Niger und mit dem #Militärputsch beschäftigen will, kann auch mal auf Wikipedia als Quelle sehen:
Interessant auch, dass der Putschist #Barmou in den #USA ausgebildet worden sei und sich noch vor kurzem mit dem Chef des US Army Special Operations Command getroffen haben soll und dass möglicherweise weitere nigrische Militärs in den #USA ausgebildet worden seien:
"Just im vergangenen Monat habe sich der jetzige Putsch-General mit US-Generalmajor Jonathan #Braga getroffen, dem Chef des US Army Special Operations Command. Die Zusammenkunft habe auf der Air Base 201 stattgefunden, einer Drohnenbasis in der nigrischen Stadt #Agadez, die Kommandozentrale für US-Außenposten in #Westafrika diene."
Aktuellere Infos: #WISE Uranium Project, zu Niger:
Es gibt derzeit nur EIN aktives #Uranbergwerk in Niger, das von #SOAMAIR nahe #ARLIT,
Produktion 2020 Tonnen Uran in 2022.
Das Vorkommen #Imouraren gilt als "nicht abbaubar", zumindest ist es fragwürdig oder sehr kompliziert.
#AREVA hatte Pläne für den Abbau schon 2014 zurückgestellt und Abschreibungen in Höhe von 480 Mio € auf das Vorkommen vorgenommen (
Aktueller Stand: "Decision on launch of Imouraren uranium mine deferred to 2028, -...", das Vorhaben wird immer und immer wieder verschoben, zuletzt auf 2028.
Evtl. muss #ORANO (ex-AREVA) da "Aktivität" zeigen, um nicht die Abbaulizenz zu verlieren.
Global Atomic (Canada) hat den Bau eines neuen Uranbergwerks mit ersten Ausschachtungsarbeiten begonnen (Nov. 2022),
es gab ein Gerichtsverfahren von Uranbergbau-Gegnern gegen #GlobalAtomic, letztendlich genehmigte ein Gericht den Weiterbau des Uranbergwerks.
In Meldungen vom 31. Juli gibt Global Atomic an, dass ihr Projekt 'normal' weiterläuft, weitab der Hauptstadt #Niamey sind keine Unruhen zu bemerken
Zur #WAGNER-Bande in #Mali
#NuclearWeapons #Uran #CapitalismIsADeathCult
#uranbergbau #Niger #militarputsch #barmou #USA #braga #agadez #Westafrika #wise #uranbergwerk #soamair #arlit #imouraren #areva #orano #globalatomic #niamey #wagner #Mali #Nuclearweapons #uran #CapitalismIsADeathCult
“Oppenheimer” the film doubles down on the silence we’ve been living with for eight decades about the loss of life and health that was a consequence of the development and testing of the atomic bomb. While the families in my community continue their wait for some wider recognition of what they endured — including coverage by the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act — we are left with a film that declines to bear witness to our truth.
-article #Nuclearweapons #nuclear
Fun fact: nuclear tests were a tourist attraction in 1950s Vegas #Oppenheimer #histodons #sts #history #Nuclearweapons #vegas #histtech #TechnologyStudies
#oppenheimer #histodons #sts #history #Nuclearweapons #vegas #histtech #TechnologyStudies
3) “Rather than challenge existing structures and patriarchies – in this case the gendered nuclear order and narrative of top-down control – liberal feminist practices can also help to inoculate them.”
#feminism #disarmament #nuclearweapons #publicrelations #purplewashing #legitimacyseeking
#feminism #disarmament #Nuclearweapons #publicrelations #purplewashing #legitimacyseeking
The index on #NuclearWeapons shows that #Russia and the #USA have the most nuclear weapons in the world, while #China and other countries have much fewer. Worrying at a time when the world is currently facing multiple geopolitical tensions.
#Nuclearweapons #russia #usa #China
US, #ROK leaders agree no #nuclearweapons for South Korea.
#NuclearWeapons Drove #Supercomputing, And May Now Drive It Into The Cloud
From birth of #HPC to drive to #exascale effort in the US has been shouldered by the #DOE, and in particular the Tri-Labs facilities in conjunction with Argonne National Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and Oak Ridge. Now the economic model for capability-class supercomputing no longer works, and there is a non-zero chance that HPC will be eaten by #hyperscalers and clouds.
#Nuclearweapons #supercomputing #hpc #Exascale #doe #hyperscalers
This paper is part of our Special Issue ‘Gender and Disarmament: Feminist Approaches to Arms, Arms Control, Disarmament and their Role in Peace and Conflict’ with our guest editors Nancy Ehrenberg-Peters, @JannisK, Daniel Plesch and Henrietta Wilson.
Enjoy reading!
#ZeFKo #PeaceAndConflict #InternationalRelations #Feminism #NuclearWeapons #TPNW #UnitedNations #Women #WPS
#zefko #peaceandconflict #internationalrelations #feminism #Nuclearweapons #tpnw #unitednations #women #wps
EA on Australia’s @ABCNews: #Putin’s Nuclear Bluster (Scott Lucas w @Beverley O'Connor)
#putin #UkraineWar #ukraine #russia #Belarus #Nuclearweapons
The announcement by #Russia President Putin of sending tactical #nuclearweapons to #Belarus is "a dangerous kind of talk, it's worrisome," President Biden tells White House reporters.
#russia #Nuclearweapons #Belarus
Putin says #Russia will place tactical #nuclearweapons in #Belarus.
#russia #Nuclearweapons #Belarus
Seoul mayor calls for #ROK to build #nuclearweapons. #Korea
Vladimir Putin’s threat to use nuclear weapons if losing the war in Ukraine parallels NATO’s policy of “flexible response” that dates back to 1968, which similarly included a willingness to use nuclear weapons if losing a conventional war.
That policy is not widely understood, yet was and remains a part of US and NATO nuclear strategy, including Britain whether as a NATO member or acting alone. #Ukraine #russia #NuclearWeapons
#Ukraine #russia #Nuclearweapons
Let's talk about whether Russia's nukes work....
#news #politics #uspolitics #beauofthefifthcolumn #russia #nukes #nuclearweapons
#news #politics #uspolitics #beauofthefifthcolumn #russia #nukes #Nuclearweapons
No One Knows If Decades-Old #Nukes Would Actually Work
#AtomicWeapons are complex, sensitive, and often pretty old. With testing banned, countries have to rely on good simulations to trust their weapons work. #Nuclear #NuclearWeapons
#nukes #atomicweapons #nuclear #Nuclearweapons
Australian MPs from across the political spectrum have called on the fed govt to join a landmark treaty banning nuclear weapons
The treaty is strongly backed by neighbours like Indonesia and NZ.
#auspol #disarmament #NuclearWeapons
#auspol #disarmament #Nuclearweapons
The lost nuclear bombs that no one can find
The US has lost at least three nuclear bombs that have never been located – they're still out there to this day. How did this happen? Where could they be? And will we ever find them?
#Nuclearweapons #history #unsolvedmysteries #nuclearbombs
J. Robert Oppenheimer cleared of “black mark” against his name after 68 years
Manhattan Project physicist was infamously stripped of his security clearance in 1954.
#history #ww2 #atomic #weapons #technology #NuclearWeapons #movies
#history #ww2 #atomic #weapons #technology #Nuclearweapons #movies
A #RussianNuclearWeapons song, «#Сарматушка» (#Sarmatushka). About the #RS-28 #Sarmat aka “Satan II” #ICBM. Sorta Strangelovian. Getting an English translation soon. YT auto-translation is very rough. #Nuclear #NuclearWeapons #RussianMilitary #RussianSong
#russiannuclearweapons #Сарматушка #Sarmatushka #rs #Sarmat #icbm #nuclear #Nuclearweapons #russianmilitary #RussianSong