Dr. Samuel Wein · @samweingamgee
71 followers · 124 posts · Server fediscience.org

Very cool! I guess I need to add support for another linker chemistry to the .


#OpenMS #NucleicAcidSearchEngine

Last updated 2 years ago

Dr. Samuel Wein · @samweingamgee
27 followers · 30 posts · Server fediscience.org

Since I'm seeing more and folks here so here's a bit more thorough description of my work:
Chemical modifications to RNA are important. Mass Spectrometry is a good technology for "seeing" modifications, but the data are difficult to process. My current research focus is in improving our to make analysis easier. Our initial release is here: nature.com/articles/s41467-020. We are currently working on major improvements for version 2.0.

#OpenMS #NucleicAcidSearchEngine #opensource #massspectrometry #rna

Last updated 2 years ago