Other issues aside, in the case of #SouthAfrica we face a human capacity deficit. Medupi & Kusile would have prevented the current loadshedding crisis if fully & correctly implemented, but they were, & are, being bungled/robbed. Why would new nukes be any different? #NukeMafia
RT @melissafourie
Nuclear energy too slow, too expensive to save the climate, says @nuclearreport.
“Stabilizing the climate is urgent, nuclear power is slo…
Today in just-trust-Homer: transparency call re. Koeberg refurbishment https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2022-09-15-calls-for-eskom-to-lift-veil-of-silence-on-r20bn-plan-to-extend-koebergs-lifespan/ #NukeMafia
The land of Bin Laden, 9/11, bonesaws, 45-year jail for tweets, now joins #NukeMafia https://beyondnuclearinternational.org/2022/08/28/the-saudi-path-to-nuclear-weapons/
RT @SMaurizi
Nobel Carlo Rubbia cercò di far scattare l'allarme del #DepositoRifiutiNucleariLiquidi, e furono fatti alcuni interventi. Dopo l'11/9 i rifiuti ad alta attività sono stati trasferiti in una struttura protetta da caduta aereo da turismo, NON da aereo di linea con pieno carburante
#NukeMafia #DepositoRifiutiNucleariLiquidi
@everytech@privacy-error.it Problem with fast breeders is that the intense radiation rapidly degrades the structure of the reactor. Unstated agenda is that plutonium is useful for weapons, not just fuel. #NukeMafia
Nothing new; according to then-minister Alec Irwin, some of our earliest load-shedding was due to sabotage at #Koeberg https://techcentral.co.za/saboteurs-threaten-south-africas-power-supply/211374/ #NukeMafia #FossilMafia
#Koeberg #NukeMafia #FossilMafia
Unlike centralised #NukeMafia & #FossilMafia generation, #DistributedRenewable & #DistributedStorage energy jobs will be permanent, as individual units are replaced every 20 years or so, compared to 40-60 yr for current dinosaurs.
RT @StephenMurcott
Imagine how many quality local job opportunities have been lost because of the insistence to invest in coal at the expense of tax payers and citizens. https://twitter.com/nickhedley/…
#NukeMafia #FossilMafia #DistributedRenewable #DistributedStorage
Article doesn't mention Rosatom having its Africa office in Jhb and pots on the boil in various countries... #NukeMafia
RT @fubar_mielies
"It’s commonly held that Russian president Vladimir Putin’s objective for invading Ukraine is to install a puppet regime that is pliable to Moscow’s interests. If so, this would be consistent with the approach Russia has taken with its forays into Africa in recent years." https://twitter.com/TC…
US still buying its usual fix from Russia #NukeMafia
RT @SamuelCogolati
☢️ Aux USA, le lobby nucléaire a réussi à exclure l'uranium de l'embargo sur les importations de Russie.
Les USA importent de Russie:
- près de 50% de l'uranium
- 8% du pétrole
- pas de gaz
Où sont tous ceux qui condamnent d'habitude notre dépendance énergétique à la Russie?
Nuclear Waste Accident Caused By Wrong Cat Litter https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2015/03/26/395615637/official-report-nuclear-waste-accident-caused-by-wrong-kitty-litter #JustTrustHomer #NukeMafia
Even if nukes were safe they wouldn't solve the climate crisis https://www.irishtimes.com/opinion/even-if-nuclear-power-was-safe-it-would-not-solve-the-climate-crisis-1.4802156 #NukeMafia
It should be added that French activity in the region is highly linked to uranium extraction, upon which France depends for energy more than any other country. #NukeMafia
RT @communethoughts
Translation: French neo-colonialists just killed 40 Africans who were fighting to get them off of their land and European imperialism out of African affairs https://twitter.com/ReutersAfrica/status/1492537399968215042
RT @chrisyelland
Today, after being denied all access yesterday to NNR information and documents available to other NNR board members, civil society NNR board member Peter Becker received a formal letter of suspension from the NNR board signed by @DMRE_ZA minister @GwedeMantashe1.
Nuclear reactors are exempt from public liability insurance, even when privately owned. Perhaps the spectacle of the Japanese govt. shouldering the cost of Fukushima tipped the balance in Germany's decision to abandon nuclear power. #NukeMafia
RT @rationalhill
It would not make sense for the state to insure its properties. It's balance sheet is bigger than any insurance company's. It is more capable of carrying the risks and there…
Germany says nuclear energy is dangerous and "explicitly rejects" Brussels' plan to label it as sustainable.
However, it looks highly unlikely that nuclear-critical countries could block the European Commission's proposal.
RT @igor_os777
Wanted: A Town Willing to Host a Dump for U.S. Nuclear Waste http://dlvr.it/SDWj6X
#FossilMafia #NukeMafia
RT @AntonEberhard
Energy Minister @GwedeMantashe1 please get real. South Africa is also experiencing load shedding during the day when it hurts businesses the most. And if we had more solar PV we could replenish our pumped storage to help meet evening peak demand. https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2021-10-26-gwede-mantashe-punts-nuclear-and-karoo-shale-gas-in-address-to-num/
#Eskom cunningly pre-empted any campaign to stick to the original end-of-life of the reactors by spending a fortune on new steam generators, which in that case would become a dead loss. #NukeMafia
RT @koebergalert
#Koeberg trips AGAIN & we have #loadshedding. In the current crisis, Koeberg going offline results in power cuts & yet @Eskom_SA wants to shut down the reactors for long periods in 2022 & 2023 for refurbishment. This wil…
#Eskom #NukeMafia #Koeberg #loadshedding
The Disneyfication of the #NukeMafia https://nautil.us/issue/107/the-edge/the-disneyfication-of-atomic-power