If We Stopped Using Numbers
Another great idea by #RyanGeorge: #numbers are against my beliefs. 😁
#RyanGeorge #Numbers #fun #videos
Mir war ja immer klar, dass #apple #iwork, also #pages, #numbers und #keynote, sehr gute Apps sind. Aber heute habe ich herausgefunden, dass man in diesen Programmen direkt LaTex-Code einfügen kann! WHATSEFACK?!
Das ist für mich als Phyik- und Mathelehrer ein echter Gamechanger!
Symbole und Formeln aller Art einfach in jedem Dokument einfügen… boah. Ich habe iWork immer als ein bisschen abgespeckt gegenüber anderen Office-Paketen (LibreOffice z.B.) betrachtet… aber das ist ja echt überlegen so…
#apple #iWork #pages #Numbers #keynote
Odo 11111km: "This was in a little diesel VW Golf we drove at the time. When I looked at that number, I wondered if it were #prime, and further, could such numbers containing only 1’s could ever be prime. [...] This attracted the attention of at least one real mathematician, who introduced the notion of repunits. For example, 1,111,111,111,111,111,111, with 19 digits, is prime; a #repunit prime must have a prime number of digits!"
https://www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/202x/2022/12/04/Long-Links #math #numbers #mathematics
#prime #repunit #math #Numbers #mathematics
#TWITTER #DEAL #FINALIZED to the #TUNE of #BILLIONS.. #UGH! is all we can say..
#Fake #Stock_Market NUMBERS | #FAKE #BIG_TECH Platform Numbers? #Fake #REGISTRATION Numbers AND NOW #Fake TWITTER #MEMBERSHIPS #Numbers?
From the drawing board of the Genius --Who Cant Dance.
* Tesla fire kills Two Men. They CLAIMED Car paint related; which is a another BIG LIE by elon the genius??
.. #NO_ONE WAS #DRIVING THE CAR | 2 #Men_Dead after #Fiery #Tesla #Crash in Spring, Officials say | HOUSTON – Two men are dead
* #TESLA_RECALL | U.S. asks Tesla to Recall 158,000 Vehicles for #Touchscreen_Failures
* #Tesla #Car #Hacked_Remotely From #Drone via #Zero_Click #Exploit
* The #Hidden #Cost of #Electric #Cars | #Government #SUBSIDIES and #Manipulated Markets | Its Survives on Government #Handouts??
* #Tesla's "#Full_Self_Driving" Beta Is Just #Laughably #Bad and Potentially #Dangerous | In a 13-minute video posted to YouTube by user "AI Addict
* #Elon_Musks #SpaceX #Violated its #Launch_license in #Explosive #Starship Test, Triggering an #FAA_Probe | Massive Rocket Crash with EXTREME EMISSIONS CRASH LANDS
* #Teslas_Dirty_Little_Secret: Its net profit doesn't come from #Selling_Cars | "These guys are #losing_money selling cars. They're #making_money #selling_credits.
* CBS News finds children Mining Cobalt in Democratic Republic of Congo
Cobalt mining fields in Africa using underage children to mine deadly cobalt for Batteries.
* Elon HIT PIECE Has SHOCKING Accusation
* All Elon MUSK PREDICTIONS-- all Fake and False Propaganda.
– Just ONE BIG UGLY BALL of ME, ME, ME, & ME..!? TRUMP AND ELON ARE 2 PEAS IN A POD. Do not be Fooled Again..
* Sold Paypal bc it was a ‘Money Transmitter’ NOT a BANK which is held under extreme financial regulations. In other words, no one want to invest in MONEY TRANSMITTERS –WAY TO RISKY.
* Telsa EV resale Value for a $20,000 USED battery?
DavidV: I vaguely remember doing a Residential Mortgage Loan for a man back in mid 90's. He wrote an article (late 80's) that was featured in a popular magazine called, #Popular_Mechanics," that you may remember? Similar image below.
In any case, he brought me down to his basement. It was dark.. lol
He pointed to a two foot high pile of Popular Mechanic Magazines sitting in the corner.
As we went through the pile he pulled out his Featured article on the #FRONT_COVER of Popular Mechanics. He built a #BATTERY_POWERED_VEHICLE Similar to the image below.
At this time all Major Auto Dealers #Manufacturers pretty much #Boycotted -- #Lobbied_AGAINST this Man's Invention! (aka the #revolving_door); I guess they wanted to keep the #OIL in the #Family?
#Stifled_Innovation in USA?? - Been going on for #decades..
* Twitter purchase that Elon Musk Tried to RENEGE ON-- a legally binding contract: When we are just now finding ancient dead bodies at the bottom of Lake Mead, Nevada for the same reasons -as we speak..
Our Guess is that this was a MEDIA PLAY from the #ILLEGAL TRUMP PLAY BOOK at the EXPENSE of the American Citizen. Tax payers Dollars??
Anyone with ½ a brain has always known TWITTER to be the BIGGEST 180 Character SPAMMING Portal/Platform on The NET since its Creation. Used by spammers, FAKES, Posers and now the latest Group spammers and Group influences #PAID_PROPAGANDA FOLKS.
And worse yet?/ Actually calling itself a JOB portal like the FAILED LINKEDIN platform PURCHASED BY #Microsoft -ANOTHER PAST #CONVICTED #CRIMINAL IN #BIG_TECH.
This is not NEW NEWS. This is OLD NEWS that we have been exposing since 2000. ELON MUSK.. 'THE GENIUS??' Bought TWITTER KNOWING about These Pre-existing #DEFECTS AND #DISCREPANCIES.
In Fact, we warned him while he was in negotiations before the purchase as well; right here on Mastodon weeks before.
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#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #twitter #deal #FINALIZED #TUNE #billions #ugh #fake #stock_market #big_tech #REGISTRATION #MEMBERSHIPS #Numbers #BATTERY_EXPLOSION #SLEPT #no_one #driving #Men_Dead #fiery #tesla #crash #TESLA_RECALL #Touchscreen_Failures #car #Hacked_Remotely #Drone #Zero_Click #exploit #hidden #cost #electric #cars #government #Subsidies #Manipulated #handouts #Full_Self_Driving #Laughably #Bad #dangerous #Elon_Musks #spacex #VIOLATED #Launch_license #Explosive #Starship #FAA_Probe #Teslas_Dirty_Little_Secret #Selling_Cars #losing_money #making_money #selling_credits #SELF_GLORIFICATION #SELF_ADMIRATION #SELF_ADORATION #selfish #SELF_SEEKING #SELF_CENTEREDNESS #Popular_Mechanics #FRONT_COVER #BATTERY_POWERED_VEHICLE #Manufacturers #Boycotted #Lobbied_AGAINST #revolving_door #oil #family #Stifled_Innovation #decades #illegal #PAID_PROPAGANDA #microsoft #convicted #CRIMINAL #DEFECTS #DISCREPANCIES #all #KNOWN #PURCHASE