#Introduction I'm the author of a forthcoming book on #Tarot and #activist #politics being published by Sounds True in 2024.
I'm an unwaged #SingleParent of two young children. Aside from #writing, radical left politics, activism, and #TarotReading, my interests include:
#SciFi #SpeculativeFiction #Astrology #Astro #Numerology #Witchcraft #TarotCards #TarotDecks #AntiCapitalism #Abolition
Avatar ID: A light-skinned person with short wavy greying dark blonde hair & an abolitionist tattoo
#introduction #tarot #activist #politics #singleparent #writing #tarotreading #scifi #speculativefiction #astrology #astro #Numerology #witchcraft #tarotcards #tarotdecks #anticapitalism #abolition
Привет! Ищу всех кому интересны #астрология #нумерология #магия #числа Буду рада общению и #взаимнойподписке
Hello! I am looking for everyone who is interested in #astrology #numerology #magic #numbers I will be glad to communicate and #followback #example
#астрология #нумерология #магия #числа #взаимнойподписке #astrology #Numerology #magic #numbers #followback #example
Привет! Ищу всех кому интересны #астрология #нумерология #магия #числа Буду рада общению и #взаимнойподписке
Hello! I am looking for everyone who is interested in #astrology #numerology #magic #numbers I will be glad to communicate and #followback
#астрология #нумерология #магия #числа #взаимнойподписке #astrology #Numerology #magic #numbers #followback
Hello! At this point I’ll follow whoever 😂 if youre into any of these hashtags, follow & I’ll follow back! 😁#Writing #playwriting #artists #crystals #activism #LGBTQIA #BlackPeople #Books #Novels #Literature #ProWrestling #WWE #AEW #PositiveVibes #IndieMovies #BoardGames #Sociology #HarmReduction #Introvert #Sobriety #Bisexual #BlackMen #BlackLGBT #Aquarius #Astrology #Numerology
#writing #playwriting #artists #crystals #activism #lgbtqia #blackpeople #books #novels #literature #prowrestling #wwe #aew #positivevibes #IndieMovies #boardgames #sociology #harmreduction #introvert #sobriety #bisexual #blackmen #BlackLGBT #aquarius #astrology #Numerology