Original toot date: 05 July, 2023
This is great news! It may be a financial decision for MYER, but I feel the statement that they are making is that the race is legalised cruelty and that it will encourage people to distance themselves from this horrific event.
This is great news! Thank you #MYER for recognising the cruelty and making the right decision to distance yourself from this horrific event.
Show Us Plenty was the 13th (!) racehorse to die on the tracks in Aotearoa this year. He was only 4 and was euthanised at Ashburton Racecourse earlier this month after he broke his humerus during a race.
You won't have read about his death in the mainstream media or even on NZ horse-racing society's website or social media.
According to the Coalition For The Protection Of Racehorses, deaths (most of which are thousands of horses per year, deemed unsuitable or not suitable anymore for racing) are under-reported. Retirement plans are rare, and horses in activity suffer from extremely intensive training and barbaric techniques such as whips, electric shocks or tongue ties.
#horseracing #horseracingkills #banhorseracing #animalabuse #animalcruelty #horses #nuptothecup #govegan
#horseracing #horseracingkills #banhorseracing #animalabuse #animalcruelty #horses #NupToTheCup #GoVegan
@Jamescoyne Cue the trashy after photos. #nuptotheCup
It's been run already and not a fcuk was given by me.
is there anything fun to do for #NupToTheCup?
don't want to be a complete killjoy... but also fuck the cup.
Public holiday here in Victoria for a horse race. Personally I hate it. A day of horses being whipped to run for human entertainment and a day of excessive drinking and gambling for many. Also a day of spikes of calls to emergency services for alcohol and gambling related family violence instances. Not worth celebrating, not worth a day off work. I donβt just say #NupToTheCup i say fuck the cup and horse racing in general
Time for Melbourne's annual Festival of Animal Cruelty, proudly brought to you by binge drinking and problem gambling.
Loving that the weather has gone to custard, but kinda wish the freezing wind and pelting rain was localized to Flemington only. #NupToTheCup