@tergebor - Jeg leste så i går kveld: Aftenposten, Sverre Lodgaard fra #NUPI:
« Det urimelige er å hevde at Kina ikke har troverdighet som megler «fordi det ikke engang har klart å fordømme invasjonen» (Jens Stoltenberg, som sitert av Sollien).
Kineserne er altså uegnet ikke bare fordi de rir to hester med preferanse for den russiske. For å være troverdige må de ta plass på vestlig side. Men når ble det nødvendig å velge side for å kunne megle? Er det tidens nytale?»
Jeg er SÅ enig her.
Hello everyone. Since I moved servers, time to reintroduce myself.
I’m a research professor at #NUPI (that is the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs) doing research in #InternationalRelations More specifically I tend to focus on #diplomacy #foreignpolicy #HistoricalInternationalRelations #concepts #privateers #thesea #oceans. Which is perhaps just a way of saying that I do research on my many interests and whatever someone is willing to pay me to do research on. 1/2
#Nupi #internationalrelations #diplomacy #foreignpolicy #historicalinternationalrelations #concepts #privateers #thesea #oceans
Hello everyone. My #introduction Research professor at #NUPI (that is the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs) doing research in #InternationalRelations More specifically #diplomacy #foreignpolicy #HistoricalInternationalRelations #concepts #privateers #thesea #oceans Sometimes #paanorsk. Associate ed. of both #EJIR and #HJD, and PI of #CHOIR project at NUPI. I love a good Møøøse when I see one. Maybe I should even tag #møøøse?
#introduction #Nupi #internationalrelations #diplomacy #foreignpolicy #historicalinternationalrelations #concepts #privateers #thesea #oceans #paanorsk #ejir #hjd #choir #mooose