#Lawyers prepare second round of #Nuremburg #Trials to #prosecute all who #perpetuated the #global #coronavirus #scam https://bit.ly/3bU5XcN
#scam #coronavirus #global #perpetuated #prosecute #trials #Nuremburg #lawyers
Right Now | Gareth Icke Talks To Australian Aboriginal Elder ~ DavidIcke
A look at the oppression and camps in Australia, from an Aboriginal Elder. People being injected with the ‘vaccines’ while they are passed out, etc.
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#genocide #australia #au #news #press #crime #covid #concentrationCamps #health #covidvax #nuremburg #covidCult #vaccines #covidVax
#vaccines #COVIDCult #Nuremburg #covidvax #health #concentrationcamps #COVID #crime #press #news #au #australia #genocide
The concept of Liberty is based on Private Property where a person "owns themselves".
Thus, they own "their work" and "their children" until those children are "adults".
Taxes on ANYTHING YOU OWN means the govt has claimed it is GOVT PROPERTY and you are simply a renter.
This is how they circumvent the 14th Amendment, change definition of "person" so GOVT can OWN people, like YOUR CHILDREN.
Same thing to get around #Nuremburg Violations, and legal definition of #Vaccine.