Here is an amazing opportunity: University of Rochester (upstate New York) is offering Nursing students free tuition and guaranteed job placement starting this fall. 33 student cohort. One way to combat the Nursing shortage: grow your own. #nursing #NursingEducation #StudentDebt
#studentdebt #NursingEducation #nursing
If there are any #traumanurses here on Mastodon, we are #hiring for a clinical educator & account manager!
Great opportunity to join our growing team and improve patient care! Check out our position listing here:
#traumanursing #trauma #some4trauma #criticalcarenursing #criticalcare #nursingeducation
#traumanurses #hiring #traumanursing #trauma #some4trauma #criticalcarenursing #CriticalCare #NursingEducation
Introduction: Anxious and procrastinating Ph.D. student, mother to a snarling and biting toddler, previous career involved lots of tools in the operating room, aspiring ceramics artist, and occasional justice advocate. I enjoy facts, science, and caring for others, with a side of cursing.
#Parenting #Motherhood #MomLife #Kids #Family #Parenthood #Nursing #NursingEducation #BiomedicalInformatics #Informatics #NursingInformatics #PhDLife #PhDMom #NurseLife #Ceramics #Pottery #Utah #Environment #Resist #sustainability #ecofriendly #gogreen #UnivserityOfUtah #UnivesrityOfVermont #PlannedParenthood #ProChoice #GreatSaltLake #Skiing #Snow #LetItSnow #Hiking #Dogs #Cats #Rowing #academiclife #gradschoollife #gradschool #Union #Solidarity #nurse #ScrubLife #OperatingRoomNurse #TravelGram #WanderLust #Adventure #USA #ColoradoRiver
#parenting #motherhood #momlife #kids #family #parenthood #nursing #NursingEducation #BiomedicalInformatics #informatics #NursingInformatics #phdlife #PhDMom #nurselife #ceramics #pottery #Utah #environment #resist #sustainability #ecofriendly #gogreen #UnivserityOfUtah #UnivesrityOfVermont #PlannedParenthood #prochoice #greatsaltlake #skiing #snow #letitsnow #hiking #dogs #cats #rowing #academiclife #gradschoollife #gradschool #union #solidarity #nurse #ScrubLife #OperatingRoomNurse #travelgram #wanderlust #adventure #usa #coloradoriver