The Nuxalk Nation's stolen totem pole is i Bella Coola -- almost home -- after spending more than a century in a museum in Vancouver Island.
' A convoy of more than 60 cars followed the vehicle carrying the totem pole during its 14-hour drive back home. On the journey, the Nuxalkmc stopped to visit seven other First Nation tribes so they could see the totem pole, feel its energy. and bless it with sage and cedar bow. '
#Nuxalk #FirstNations #repatriation #Canada
#Canada #repatriation #firstnations #Nuxalk
After being stolen over a century ago, a totem pole at the Royal B.C. Museum in British Columbia has been awakened by members of the Nuxalk Nation and is beginning its journey home.
' "There is a really warm feeling in my heart," said Mara Pootlass, who has family connections to the pole. "I wanted to cry for joy because I could feel the spirit." '
#Canada #repatriation #totempole #firstnations #Nuxalk
B.C. first nation gives gold mining company 2 days to leave Nuxalk territory #Indigenous #FirstNation #Mining #Nuxalk #cdnpoli
#indigenous #firstnation #mining #Nuxalk #cdnpoli