Anna Nicholson · @transponderings
166 followers · 688 posts · Server
Bonnie (she/her) · @BatsInLavender
618 followers · 3405 posts · Server

Rob McElhenney was diagnosed with 'neurodevelopmental disorders,' at 46. He's part of a growing trend of adults diagnosed with conditions like ADHD and autism later in life.
>Rob McElhenney's experience is one of a growing trend of people who are diagnosed with neurodevelopmental disorders like autism and ADHD in adulthood.
>A 2014 study estimated that only 1 in 5 adults with ADHD has been diagnosed or receives treatment for ADHD. And studies show that autism is also under-diagnosed, especially in women. A 2022 study found that 80% of women are misdiagnosed with other conditions, like borderline personality disorder, eating disorders, bipolar disorder and anxiety. 

I was diagnosed with at 17, at 27, and in my late 40s. Many women diagnosed with OCD may actually be on the spectrum. I have several friends who have been diagnosed with in their 40s as well.

#dyscalculia #OCD #ptsd #adhd

Last updated 1 year ago

Bonnie (she/her) · @BatsInLavender
617 followers · 3395 posts · Server

Thank you Anna Clark from Microsoft for introducing the Cognitive toolkit for the inclusive design toolkit. As someone with and this hits home.

#dyscalculia #OCD #wpcampus

Last updated 1 year ago

I'm pretty sure my mum doesn't have like I do, but sometimes, like just now, I have to wonder...

see, I'm back home visiting for the first time in 6 years and I just picked up a jar of pickled onions at the shops

and my mum instantly went UH UH

you can only buy those if you promise to eat ALL of them because you left a jar of them last time you were here and I've STILL got them and I tried to eat them and they gave me terrible heartburn

and I went.... you could throw them out you know

and she looked at me like I'm an alien

she fr fr kept a half eaten jar of pickled onions she didn't want to eat for SIX YEARS 😅


Last updated 2 years ago

Autistic Writer · @Autistic_Writer
226 followers · 192 posts · Server

In this week’s blog: GP healthcare, OCD, and… broccoli. You can read it here:

#autism #actuallyautistic #OCD #broccoli

Last updated 2 years ago

Autistic Writer · @Autistic_Writer
226 followers · 191 posts · Server

In tomorrow’s blog, I’m discussing GP healthcare, OCD, and… broccoligate! It goes live Sunday 12th March at 08:00 GMT, here:

#autism #actuallyautistic #OCD #broccoli

Last updated 2 years ago

Redoing my intro because it's been a minute...

Hi! My name is Sarah, and I'm a queer neurodivergent poet, musician, and AuDHD/OCD advocate.

The words queer and neurodivergent are doing a lot of heavy lifting in that first sentence, though! The longhand is "bisexual nonbinary genderfluid demigirl who is autistic, PDA, ADHD, OCD, GAD, CPTSD, and bipolar", but that doesn't fit on a business card. 😅

I'm Australian, but I live in San Francisco. ostensibly working on a novel but mostly just sucking up life like I'm a vacuum cleaner and it's lint.

Special interests and hyperfixations: , , , /#SpecFic, , , and , , (especially and ), and , , , and , , , , , , , , , and , , , .

Current projects: the NOCD Autism/OCD support group, "The 17%" support Discord for autistic folk with OCD (link in bio!), Tabitha and the Nightingale (YA queer/neurodivergent/disabled fantasy novel), and OCD: The Musical. 🧡

#creativity #writing #poetry #SFF #drag #ClassicalMusic #choralmusic #musicals #ContemporaryArt #history #queerhistory #disabledhistory #biology #zoology #food #FiberArts #MBMBAM #theadventurezone #TerryPratchett #aceattorney #AnimalCrossing #stevenuniverse #OurFlagMeansDeath #RuPaulsDragRace #psychology #neurodivergence #autism #OCD #DisabledRights #SocialJustice #ducks

Last updated 2 years ago

TFW your therapist says "We're in uncharted waters here, ERP wasn't designed for situations like this*, I don't even know of any resources" 😐

*trying to keep up with exposures and avoid relapse when autistic burnout+PDA+CPTSD flashbacks mean your baseline distress is higher than the highest an exposure should make it go

We need better research and resources on autism and OCD like, yesterday. 😩


#OCD #actuallyautistic #neurodivergent

Last updated 2 years ago


I'm so sorry OCD is endeavoring to make your world so exhausting and small. Have you ever been able to access ERP therapy at all? It helped me get from extremely severe clinical OCD to subclinical. 🧡

#OCD #obsessivecompulsivedisorder

Last updated 2 years ago

Elle Draper · @elledraper
153 followers · 539 posts · Server

Just found teaspoons facing the wrong way in the cutlery drawer. OCD in overdrive. Won't sleep tonight.

#OCD #ocdproblems #ocdthings

Last updated 2 years ago


My understanding from working in the field (and having experienced it)is that Trans OCD is a known and recognized subtype that can affect both cis people AND people who are actually trans. It doesn't equate to being trans, because it's just OCD latching in to your anxieties about potentially being trans or not trans (or enby or genderfluid or anything else.) It's a cousin of Sexual Orientation OCD.

Edit: I added trans *or not trans* because just as I've known cis people with OCD that maybe they're trans, I've known trans people with OCD that maybe they're cis.

#OCD #transgender #GenderFluid

Last updated 2 years ago

me: I don't really have tendencies

also me: cleaning empty envelopes I kept "just in case" and masks that didn't fit "in case I can "donate them to some kids" off my desk and shoving 10 empty weed cartridges in my drawers "in case I run out of full ones some time and need the last puffs"


#hoarder #OCD #anxiety #MentalHealth #neurodivergent

Last updated 2 years ago


I think it's okay to lapse sometimes, or not always be able to tell the line. After all, feeling like we have to get it right every single time is ALSO . As long as you're practicing, that's what matters. 🧡


Last updated 2 years ago

At least 17% of autistic people have OCD, but there is next to no support out there for that intersection. When I first started OCD treatment, I was like "Cool! Time to find the resources for people like me!" And then I rapidly discovered there were none. So I had to make some.

So if you are both autistic and have OCD (or suspect you might be), and you're looking for a community of people who get it, my autistic/OCD support Discord would be glad to have you. It's a small group of really lovely folks who look out for each other and help each other navigate what can be a really complicated and overwhelming neuro-overlap. Also, we have a digital pet tree.

Link below! Much love!


#actuallyautistic #OCD #neurodivergent

Last updated 2 years ago


I'm a professional OCD advocate as well as person in OCD recovery and please, if you have Just Right OCD, don't play this game. It's literally asking you to perform compulsions, and performing compulsions *will* make your OCD worse.

The game description says "correctly placed items are straightened up, and cause much less anxiety" and that's true, but only in the short term. Compulsions alleviate anxiety, but they also teach our brains that we *have* to do compulsions if we want the anxiety to go away. When we do this over and over, we reinforce the OCD and make it stronger.

A game that actually helped folks with Just Right OCD would reward you for resisting the compulsions. I've done lots of exposure therapy where I had to, for example, go around my room and mess up the arrangement of items and then sit with the anxiety that it all felt "wrong". Over time, that teaches your brain that it doesn't have to do the compulsions to have your anxiety go away, because anxiety biologically can't last forever and it *will* go away if you don't reinforce it. And then, in the long term not just the short term, your anxiety goes down and the obsessive thoughts/compulsive urges become way less powerful.

I'm gonna reiterate once more. This game is actively dangerous for people with OCD. Please don't play it.

Edit: I messaged the game to a colleague who is an OCD therapist and they literally just replied "NOOOOOOO".

#games #OCD #freegame

Last updated 2 years ago


For me, it's mostly just that I get intrusive thoughts that I didn't read or absorb the last passage closely enough, so I have the compulsive urge to go back and reread it until it feels like I read it *right*. Sometimes I will go back and reread, but I also try do exposure therapy where I don't reread and sit with the anxiety that I might have missed something, or even deliberately skip half a page and do the same.

I do have ADHD so sometimes I genuinely do miss stuff because I'm reading too fast, but mostly it's just OCD trying to convince me that I did. And the best way to handle that is with exposures.

#bookstodon #OCD

Last updated 2 years ago

life 😬


Last updated 2 years ago

cobalt · @cobalt
524 followers · 1039 posts · Server

So when we bought our new old house in June I didn’t look close enough at some details. Now I want to fix the oopsies like this cabinet spray paint the seller must have used. I’ve tried mild and strong cleaners and a heavy abrasive scrubber pad. Before I attack the tile grout with a strong cleaner, any ideas how to get paint off the tile surfaces? Not but with I can never NOT see these.

#OCD #adhd

Last updated 2 years ago

Two years ago, in the hospital for severe physical illness that turned out to be , I married myself. That's not a joke--I took off the silver rabbit ring I was wearing, gave myself a little ceremony, probably confused the shit out of any nurses that were nearby, and put it back on. I told myself no matter what happened next, I would commit to loving myself in the way that crisis had shown me I deserved.

That ring is still my wedding ring. And one of these days, I'm going to have a whole big wedding for myself. No other form of love matters more. And other forms of love matter *a whole lot*.

Mental illnesses like OCD take a lot from you. So does , especially the trauma of being and constantly shamed for who you are. But if you can take anything back from mental illness and trauma, take back the ability to love yourself. You deserve it. You are worth it. Valentine's day is silly and commercialized, but if you can use it as an excuse to show yourself some extra love today, then I think it's a silly, commercialized day spent well.

(And if you're not sure where to start, there's some great ideas here!)


#OCD #SelfLove #Trauma #neurodivergent #valentinesday #MentalHealth #selfcompassion

Last updated 2 years ago