[23/03/16 17:01] - ysconsultingt:twitter:
23年ノートPC出荷2桁減、コンパル予測【図表】(トップニュース)/台湾 - ワイズコンサルティング@台湾 https://www.ys-consulting.com.tw/news/107949.html
#クアンタ #コンパル #ノートPC #受託生産 #ODM #デル #中国… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1636276444128239617 #pom
#クアンタ #コンパル #ノートpc #受託生産 #ODM #デル #中国 #pom
Looks like ODM v3.0.2 has a minor speedup (and a bit more reconstruction) than prior v3.0.1 release, but wow, is the Linux Kernel v6.x series a massive performance boost over v5.15.x LTS! I didn't even force-enable the MGLRU stuff yet...
Looks like ODM v3.0.2 has a minor speedup (and a bit more reconstruction) than prior v3.0.1 release, but wow, is the Linux Kernel v6.x series a massive performance boost over v5.15.x LTS! I didn't even force-enable the MGLRU stuff yet...
Everyone, please come give a follow to OpenDroneMap on FOSStodon!
We are still setting up shop and getting verified links sorted out, so please excuse any rough edges.
#OpenDroneMap #WebODM #NodeODM #PyODM #ClusterODM #ODM #LiveODM #CloudODM #NodeMICMAC #FieldImageR #FindGCP
#findgcp #fieldimager #nodemicmac #cloudodm #liveodm #ODM #clusterodm #pyodm #nodeodm #WebODM #opendronemap
Some optimistic and light music to relax...
Dying of Everything from Obituary