@stefanowitsch I noticed similar for #OHBM2023 (#fMRI): not a lot of discussion on here (though some!), but also not as much on twitter as past years. (I logged in to twitter for the first time this year just to check for conference info; the #OHBM organizers still posted there.)
A lot of science social media folks seems to be waiting, though I don't know for what.
I completed the #OHBM #OHBM2023 attendee survey this morning, and was disappointed (though not surprised) by the lack of post-conference #covid diagnosis questions. I have heard of cases anecdotally, but was hoping we'd get actual stats on how many folks caught covid during the conference. I fear it's a large proportion: the Montreal Convention Center ventilation was not great, no sign of filtration, and very few masks.
#COVIDisAirborne #Covid #ohbm2023 #OHBM
Achievement unlocked: #OHBM2023 poster hall located.
My poster is number 700 (up now), "Which acquisition? Choosing protocols for task fMRI studies". Stop by (or find me) to chat about testing acquisitions, QC, base R vs tidyverse, etc.
(And the poster hall? Same level as registration, down the hall on the left, keep on going. Restrooms are upstairs, so you may want to plan ahead. ๐ ) #OHBM
I looked around the #OHBM2023 convention center a bit this morning. #OHBM will be at the southwest end of the building, looking over Pl Jean-Paul-Riopelle. There are sets of escalators along the multicolored windows forming the end of the building; looks like registration will be one level up and the sessions up another. It'll likely be busy tomorrow morning, if everyone tries to pick up their badges (and upload slides?) before the 800 start of the courses.
Goal (and necessity) for tomorrow: get ready for #OHBM2023!
Not many of us on mastodon, I think, and I'm definitely feeling out of the loop a bit. I'll look for the open science room mattermost; please share any other pointers. (I haven't logged in to twitter so far in 2023, but am wondering if I'll have to to get the #OHBM news and chatter.)
Going to OHBM and want to chat about #fMRI quality control, analysis, #rstats? Let me know! โบ๏ธ
I won't claim to not appreciate the extra time to prep my OHBM talk (though my poster is uploaded!), but am irritated by the changing deadlines ... at the moment https://event.fourwaves.com/ohbm2023/pages still states, "The deadline for all content uploads is: June 30, 2023 at 11:59pm EDT, USA. There will be no exceptions past this date."
Evidently OHBM is now one of those "assume there will be an extension" conferences. #OHBM #OHBM2023
@afni_pt @dixy0 @oesteban @DanHandwerker And many of us will be at an #OHBM course devoted to the fMRI Open QC project; please join in the discussion!
#neuroimaging #qc #fMRIPrep #fmri #OHBM
Wish me luck: I'm going to start my #OHBM poster now, two months early! I always prefer to have things ready ahead of time, but this might be a personal record (assuming I actually get it done before June ...).
Step 1: Look at the abstract and remind myself of the poster topic. ๐
@JosetAEtzel @dpat Yes, the MRIQC team participated in the #FMRI Open #QC Project (link below) and are planning to attend the #OHBM course. I hope you can join as well; it'd be great to hear more about your tool, and chat about QC!
#OHBM2023 bound! "Making Quality Control Part of Your Analysis: Learning with the #FMRI Open #QC Project" has been accepted as an #OHBM course.
I'm really looking forward to discussing QC with everyone, including fellow presenters Rasmus Birn, Xin Di (@dixy0), @DanHandwerker, Rebecca Lepping, Francesca Morfini, Celine Provins, Paul Taylor (@afni_pt), Brendan Williams, and Chao-Gan Yan. https://osf.io/qaesm
A methods paper of mine is now at https://doi.org/10.3389/fnimg.2023.1070274 . This little #NewNeuroPaper demonstrates human task #fMRI quality control, as part of the FMRI Open QC Project (which I hope to discuss at #OHBM and elsewhere as it wraps up).
Its supplemental (https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/HT543) may be of interest to #rstats folks, particularly if looking for examples of #baseR #knitr #graphics and/or scripts aiming to minimize dependencies and maximize long-term usability.
#graphics #knitr #baseR #rstats #OHBM #fmri #newneuropaper
RT @Kangjoo_Lee_
(1/n) @OHBM #OHBM 2023 Multilingual Kids Review now accepts applications! Each language session requires 2 moderators and 1 presenter. Send the names/contact info of the team, language, and article(s) to be presented! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeNOYeh-ndeQkgeu78EArRvVX3mH2UGQEwXUaa_IZLkTN1-Fw/viewform?usp=sf_link
@kangjoolee (posting to add hashtags; see thread for an announcement of the #OHBM Multilingual Kids Review) #OHBM2023 #ohbm23
Whew, both the #OHBM course proposal (a splendid one about the #FMRI Open QC Project with @afni_pt @DanHandwerker and many others I haven't yet found on mastodon) and my poster abstract (about picking task fMRI sequences) are in!
... I think I prefer the usual mid-December submission deadline. The extra prep time was nice, but not having OHBM prep on top of the usual start-of-semester rush.
And now we have a bit more time for #OHBM preparation. I don't see it (or explanation) on their website yet, but this came in an email earlier today:
"Due to current situations at some international institutions, the content submission deadline for the OHBM 2023 Annual Meeting is moving to January 13, 2023. This one-time shift affects all content - Abstracts, Symposia, Roundtables, and Educational Courses."