🌐 Announcing Matano + Suricata!
Suricata is a popular open source NIDS/NIPS engine used for network analysis and threat detection.
We just shipped out a new integration that allows you to easily push Suricata logs & alerts into a Matano Security Lake in your AWS account for realtime detection-as-code with Python and analysis using AWS Athena + SQL! 🚀
Interested in how to build your own Security Data Lake using Suricata logs?
Check out our blog post: https://www.matano.dev/blog/2023/01/12/suricata-support 🔎
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#opensource #infosec #networksecurity #suricata #OISF #intrustiondetection #intrusionprevention #ids #ips #nids #nips #cloudnative #cloudsecurity #rust #datalake #aws #awssecurity #ApacheIceberg #secops #security #siem #threatdetection #threathunting #DetectionAndResponse
So, a couple of colleagues of mine are over in Athens, Greece for #Suricon
Suricon is a conference put on by the #OISF (they're the ones that made and maintain #Suricata).
I wanted to share some cool things I've heard about over there:
Stamus networks, producers of the #SELKS distribution and the #Scirius web interface for managing Suricata operations and alerts produced an open ruleset dedicated towards lateral movement on internal networks. Its a hard target to hit in general, so congratulations for trying to take it on, and not only that, making the rules open:
A co-worker of mind spied work by a researcher named satta, and a github repository aptly named awesome-suricata, featuring a variety of open community tools to help with the care and feeding of your sensor deployments:
If youre interested , maybe join the suricata discord server for more information on the talks and whatnot that happened this week: https://discord.gg/t3rV2x7MrG
#suricon #OISF #suricata #selks #scirius
#OISF #Suricata #SuriCon2022 in Athens has started.
For participating virtually, note that the times on the agenda are Athens local time (UTC+2) ;-)