About half the state votes today, including Bixby and parts of Tulsa City, among many, many others. This is a hyperlocal election affecting seats that directly affects your neighborhoods and could mean the difference between a reasonable person or a MTG clone sitting on your local library or school board, or whether or not your town can afford a new fire truck. Hit the voter portal to find out if you have a ballot today and if so, what's on it. #OKVotes #Oklahoma
Big school bond proposals on the ballot in Norman, Stillwater, Mustang and more | KOSU
Lawmaker Proposes End-of-Year Deadline for Oklahoma Online Voter Registration - Oklahoma Watch
From Oklahoma State Election Board: @OKelections@twitter.com
Request your absentee ballots for 2023! It's easy using the OK Voter Portal: https://oklahoma.gov/elections/ovp.html
Remember - you must renew your request each year. If you have an election on Jan. 10, your application must be received no later than 5 p.m., Dec. 26.
Oklahoma’s three residential polling places are vital for rural voters
April 5, 2022, Election Results
#Oklahoma #OKVotes #okvote #okvote22
April 5 Board of Education General Election and Special Elections Early Voting: Thursday, March 31 & Friday, April 1, 2022, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Voter Registration in Oklahoma
#Oklahoma #OKVotes #RegisterToVote #okvotes22
Voter Registration Deadline for April 5th Election is Friday, March 11th.
Tuesday, February 8, 2022 Election Results: https://results.okelections.us/OKER/?elecDate=20220208
#Oklahoma #OKVotes #okvotes22 #vote2022
Go Vote! Tuesday, February 8, 2022. Polls are open 7AM to 7PM. Board of Education Primary and Special Elections
Election List: https://hosting.okelections.us/electionlist.html
Voting Details: https://oklahoma.gov/elections.html
#Oklahoma #OKVotes #okvotes22 #vote2022
Go Vote Tomorrow.
Board of Education Primary and Special Elections
Tues, Feb 8, 2022. Polls are open 7AM to 7PM
Election List: https://hosting.okelections.us/electionlist.html
Voting Details: https://oklahoma.gov/elections.html
#Oklahoma #OKVotes #okvotes22 #govote
Early Voting for February 8 Election:
Thursday, February 3 and
Friday, February 4 (8 a.m. - 6 p.m.)
(Not Saturday)
If you're not registered to vote and you want to vote in the upcoming school board primary (Feb 8), you only have until Friday (Jan 14) to get registered. Visit https://oklahoma.gov/elections for details.
#oklahoma #okvotes #okvotes22 #nosmallelections #votelocal #yourvotematters
#Oklahoma #OKVotes #okvotes22 #nosmallelections #votelocal #YourVoteMatters
February 8, 2022: Board of Education Primary and Special Elections.
Voter Registration Deadline is January 14, 2022.
Absentee Ballot Request Deadline is 5:00 PM, January 24, 2022.
For details visit https://oklahoma.gov/elections
Local elections matter!