Just came across LinkML, a flexible modeling language allowing you to author schemas in #YAML that describe the structure of your data.
Validate/generate #JSON, #JSONLD, #RDF, #SPARQL, #SHACL, #ShEx, #OWL.
Thanks to #omeNGFF for heads-up
#yaml #json #jsonld #rdf #sparql #shacl #ShEx #owl #OMENGFF
Reminder that this #OMENGFF community call is tomorrow (2023-03-15) ... in some number of timezones.
ICYMI: #OMENGFF community call next Wednesday (2023-03-15) largely focused on ways to store #AllYourMetadata ⚡️
RT @notjustmoore
Latest report from the #OMENGFF #Community describing #OMEZARR, a #CloudOptimized #BioImaging #DataFormat, is out now on #bioRxiv!
If you have issues with big, slow, or otherwise unwieldy imaging data, reach out or take a look for a #FAIR-er option.
#OMENGFF #omezarr #community #cloudoptimized #bioimaging #dataformat #biorxiv #fair
RT @notjustmoore
Latest report from the #OMENGFF #Community describing #OMEZARR, a #CloudOptimized #BioImaging #DataFormat, is out now on #bioRxiv!
If you have issues with big, slow, or otherwise unwieldy imaging data, reach out or take a look for a #FAIR-er option.
#OMENGFF #community #omezarr #cloudoptimized #bioimaging #dataformat #biorxiv #fair
Latest report from the #OMENGFF #Community describing #OMEZARR, a #CloudOptimized #BioImaging #DataFormat, is out now on #bioRxiv!
If you are having trouble with big, slow, or otherwise unwieldy imaging data, reach out or take a look for a #FAIR-er option.
#fair #biorxiv #dataformat #bioimaging #cloudoptimized #omezarr #Community #OMENGFF
Honored to be 1 of 40 recipients of a 2-yr #cziscience #EOSS5 grant to continue work on #OMENGFF 🎉
#OME #Zarr @GerBI and #NFDI4BIOIMAGE are dedicated to the development of scalable data repositories for #bioimaging
#bioimaging #NFDI4BIOIMAGE #Zarr #OME #OMENGFF #EOSS5 #cziscience