Meine Mutter (80) hat gerade um die Adressen meiner 3 (erwachsenen) Töchter gebeten.
Macht mich so froh zu wissen, dass #Omi noch ein Geschenk kaufen möchte um es weit weg zu schicken, und die Mädels sich an Weihnachten nochmal über einen Gruss von Omi freuen werden.
Manches wird nie alt. 🎁💝
The #EUPharmaStrategy will make sure patients have access to innovative & affordable medicines.
It supports competitiveness, innovative capacity & sustainability of the industry.
We are working to build a European #HealthUnion where patients are truly cared for.
RT @milkasklvc: Isabel de la Mata of @EU_Health: the #OMI has created a momentum and a political opportunity that we cannot afford to miss in untangling the i…
#EUPharmaStrategy #HealthUnion #EHFG2022 #OMI
Happening in 15 min! Join us in discord.
Join tomorrow Wednesday, August 24, 2022, at 16:00UTC for a collection of demos from our community. This week: the return of Interoperable #Portals AND #Avatars. With special host
#OMI #Metaverse #interoperability
#interoperability #metaverse #OMI #avatars #portals
That was FUN! Thanks for demoing the new Zesty WebXR FPS project.
Vote for your next demo theme in the `#omi-votes` channel on discord!
Happening today! 16:00UTC #webxr
RT Additional shots, including the demo from of! Find all of these AND SO MUCH MORE on github:
#OMI #Metaverse
Another amazing round of demos. Special thanks to Jellies),,,, and, and thanks to for producing the event. #OMI #metaverse #interoperability
#interoperability #metaverse #OMI
Love these #OMI #Demodays. Demo by #iFire et. al. showing #GTLFExtensions #VRM #OpenMetaverse
#OpenMetaverse #VRM #GTLFExtensions #iFire #Demodays #OMI
Our #openmetaverse theme for this week is #Avatar #Interoperability. Working on something interesting in the field of Avatar Interop? Join us next Wednesday at 14:00 UTC for demos from, and more!
#metaverse #OMI #interoperability #avatar #OpenMetaverse