Geek Native · @geeknative
182 followers · 608 posts · Server

One More Multiverse is a beta not-really-a-virtual-tabletop for RPGs. It supports homebrew games, Blades in the Dark, and has sheets for 5e, yet it looks like a JRPG or even text-based game, and you can get some of that content in this bundle


Last updated 2 years ago

Nathen Graey :verified: · @Graey
196 followers · 174 posts · Server

I haven't seen many folx Tooting about it but x is a phenomenal way to play .

's is stunning. The pixel art is gorgeousl and the curated music divine. OMM supports several incl. the dragon game but can be used for most anything.

There's plenty resources incl. tutorials (some featuring industry celebs) as well as a bustling and helpful server.

I heartily recommend checking it out 💜

#bitd #OMM #bladesinthedark #OneMoreMultiverse #VTT #ttrpgs #youtube #discord

Last updated 2 years ago

Nathen Graey :verified: · @Graey
196 followers · 174 posts · Server

Q. What are on your radar? What's ONE system you're desperate to try?

I'm assembling a crew for x and (mostly) having fun doing it. I've played before but having a challenging time wrapping my head around the system as a GM (hooray for YouTube!) The crew is calling themselves The Candymakers. They're Hawkers and their Tinker invented Doskvol's version of JUUL 😅😬

is very much on my mind, especially since my campaign fell apart.

#ttrpgs #bitd #OMM #Vaesen #dnd5e #Strahd

Last updated 2 years ago

KeroZelvin · @KeroZelvin
89 followers · 87 posts · Server

@FortiterGames I have purchased in physical book, on , and on . I also have many duplicates for between physical books and Roll20.

#bladesinthedark #roll20 #OMM #DnD

Last updated 2 years ago

🆕 Según un nuevo informe de la Organización Meteorológica Mundial Las temperaturas en han aumentado más del doble de la media mundial en las últimas décadas

#OMM #europa #catástrofeclimática

Last updated 2 years ago