One More Multiverse is a beta not-really-a-virtual-tabletop for RPGs. It supports homebrew games, Blades in the Dark, and has sheets for 5e, yet it looks like a JRPG or even text-based game, and you can get some of that content in this bundle #omm
I haven't seen many folx Tooting about it but #BitD x #OMM is a phenomenal way to play #BladesInTheDark.
#OneMoreMultiverse's #VTT is stunning. The pixel art is gorgeousl and the curated music divine. OMM supports several #TTRPGs incl. the dragon game but can be used for most anything.
There's plenty resources incl. #YouTube tutorials (some featuring industry celebs) as well as a bustling and helpful #Discord server.
I heartily recommend checking it out 💜
#bitd #OMM #bladesinthedark #OneMoreMultiverse #VTT #ttrpgs #youtube #discord
Q. What #TTRPGs are on your radar? What's ONE system you're desperate to try?
I'm assembling a crew for #BitD x #OMM and (mostly) having fun doing it. I've played before but having a challenging time wrapping my head around the system as a GM (hooray for YouTube!) The crew is calling themselves The Candymakers. They're Hawkers and their Tinker invented Doskvol's version of JUUL 😅😬
#Vaesen is very much on my mind, especially since my #DnD5e #Strahd campaign fell apart.
#ttrpgs #bitd #OMM #Vaesen #dnd5e #Strahd
@FortiterGames I have purchased #bladesinthedark in physical book, on #Roll20, and on #OMM. I also have many duplicates for #DnD between physical books and Roll20.
#bladesinthedark #roll20 #OMM #DnD
🆕 Según un nuevo informe de la Organización Meteorológica Mundial #OMM Las temperaturas en #Europa han aumentado más del doble de la media mundial en las últimas décadas #catástrofeclimática
#OMM #europa #catástrofeclimática