#introduction, cont’d
My #Spiritual path has included #Addiction, #Codependence, and #Recovery, #Depression and thoughts of #Suicide, luckily punctuated my #OOBE #OutOfBodyExperiences proving to me anyway #AstralTravel is real.
I’ve practiced #Channeling, am a #ReikiMaster-Teacher able to Initiate others, former volunteer w #DistantHealingNetwork
I’ve been a moderator for #SelfInjury support groups, made a lot of friends diagnosed #DID and suspect I’m #Multiple too.
#introduction #spiritual #addiction #codependence #recovery #depression #suicide #OOBE #outofbodyexperiences #astraltravel #channeling #reikimaster #distanthealingnetwork #SelfInjury #did #multiple
@clayrivers About 7-8 when I had my first #OOBE, intensely real, more real than this everyday physical “reality” around us now. I met two siblings who had died before me, a brother and sister. My parents had told me about the stillbirth not the miscarriage. And the intensity scared TF outta me, but once again they could not hear me, or did not care. A 2nd OOBE the next night cemented for me that my inner world, including my feelings, was REAL and they were too dumb to see and maybe I was adopted
#dreamworld #dreamscape #dreamtime #astralPlane #astralProjection #oobe #nearDeathExperience #lore #folklore #esoteric #esoterica #esotericism #divination #tarot #yijing #iching #PhilipKDick #PKD #RobertAntonWilson #EdgarAllenPoe #RudyRucker #WilliamGibson #TerryPratchett #CharlesDeLint #JamesTiptreeJr #Tolkien #JRRTolkien #HPLovecraft #Lovecraft #cosmicHorror #illuminati #nwo #conspiracy #conspiracyTheory #paranoia #paranoidFiction #paranormal #paranormalFiction #aliens #ghosts
#dreamworld #dreamscape #dreamtime #astralPlane #AstralProjection #OOBE #neardeathexperience #lore #folklore #esoteric #ESOTERICA #esotericism #divination #tarot #yijing #iching #philipkdick #pkd #RobertAntonWilson #edgarallenpoe #rudyrucker #williamgibson #terrypratchett #CharlesDeLint #JamesTiptreeJr #tolkien #jrrtolkien #hplovecraft #lovecraft #cosmichorror #illuminati #nwo #conspiracy #conspiracytheory #paranoia #paranoidFiction #paranormal #paranormalfiction #aliens #ghosts
@ThinkingRaven io c'ho messo 6 mesi, 4-5 ore al giorno, 7gg su 7 per arrivare ad una OOB dopo 10h di lavoro di ufficio. Poi ho smesso perché troppo impegnativo.
È come dover insegnare uno sport ad un adulto che non ha mai avuto educazione fisica a scuola. Tutti sanno istintivamente camminare e correre ma non farlo in modo organizzato.
Non sapevo manco concentrare la mente su un punto e spegnere il monologo interiore, figuriamoci "entrare nel BIOS del cervello".
#esticazzi #pseudoreality #OOBE
@publicvoit About to watch the video, but I think that any #vim vs #emacs conversation is obsolete these days.
It's not #vim users that we need to educate about Emacs. It's #vscode users. And "not getting" Emacs is harder there.
Not only that, but we need a faaar better out-of-box experience (#OOBE) for Emacs. Doom gets partway there, but it has tons of rough edges and disables most of the friendly configuration UI.