#米国 が保有 #化学兵器 の廃棄が完了したと発表したことを受け、ボレル #EU 上級代表は8日、「化学兵器禁止条約(#CWC)の実施における重要な節目」と歓迎、この作業を検証してきた化学兵器禁止機関(#OPCW)の活動にも敬意を表するとの声明を発出した🇪🇺🇺🇸
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European External Action Service - EEAS 🇪🇺: 🇺🇸US: Statement by the High Representative @JosepBorrellF on the complete destruction of chemical weapons stockpiles.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinJapan/status/1678229553288998917
It is crucial for the future of the #OPCW that their is a proper Investigation into the alleged Chemical Attack in Douma #Syria where 43 innocent people died - OPCW has to listen to their own Whistle-blowers - Or Suspicion and Doubt will continue to surround the Organisation....
RT @aaronjmate: New @PushbackShow:
In a major geopolitical shift, Brazil has come out in favor of accountability for the OPCW's Syria cover-up scandal. A Brazilian diplomat unveiled thei…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/wallacemick/status/1640759747136610305
𝗢𝗣𝗖𝗪: 𝗔𝘀𝘀𝗮𝗱 𝗮𝗰𝗵𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗴𝗶𝗳𝗴𝗮𝘀𝗮𝗮𝗻𝘃𝗮𝗹 𝗗𝗼𝘂𝗺𝗮 𝗱𝗶𝗲 𝟰𝟯 𝗹𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘀 𝗲𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗲
Het Syrische leger zit achter de aanval met gifgas op de voorstad Douma, vlakbij Damascus, in 2018. Dat heeft de Organisatie voor het Verbod op Chemische Wapens (OPCW) bekendgemaakt na jaren van onderzoek. Bij de aanval met het gifgas chlorine vielen 43 doden, vooral burgers.
#douma #syrie #OPCW #nos #nieuws
When Bustani refused to tow the line to #US Empire + insisted on speaking the Truth, his days were numbered as head of #OPCW - It was a sad day for an International organisation that was irrelevant if not Independent + it's been downhill ever since...
RT @ketchmeifucan: Mobster Bolton to Diplomat Bustani"You have 24 hours to leave the organization, and if you don't comply with this decision by Washington, we have ways to retaliate against you. ... We know where y…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/wallacemick/status/1604986784525733889
RT @StateDeptSpox: Nine years ago today the Assad regime used chemical weapons in Ghouta, Syria, killing more than 1,400 and injuring many more. The regime must be held accountable for its actions and fully declare and destroy its chemical weapons program. #OPCW https://www.state.gov/ninth-anniversary-of-the-ghouta-syria-chemical-weapons-attack/
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AnnaFotyga_PE/status/1561408414651240450
RT @wallacemick: This is a 'must listen' for anyone who wants the truth about the Mainstream Media attempts to smear those who have exposed the #OPCW Cover Up Scandal relating to the alleged Chemical Attack in #Douma in #Syria when the OPCW's own Whistle-blowers Report didn't suit #US + Allies...
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/wallacemick/status/1549841733189500928
RT @wallacemick: This is a 'must listen' for anyone who wants the truth about the Mainstream Media attempts to smear those who have exposed the #OPCW Cover Up Scandal relating to the alleged Chemical Attack in #Douma in #Syria when the OPCW's own Whistle-blowers Report didn't suit #US + Allies...
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/wallacemick/status/1549726716607733763
RT @wallacemick: This is a 'must listen' for anyone who wants the truth about the Mainstream Media attempts to smear those who have exposed the #OPCW Cover Up Scandal relating to the alleged Chemical Attack in #Douma in #Syria when the OPCW's own Whistle-blowers Report didn't suit #US + Allies...
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/wallacemick/status/1549627908632846336
RT @wallacemick: This is a 'must listen' for anyone who wants the truth about the Mainstream Media attempts to smear those who have exposed the #OPCW Cover Up Scandal relating to the alleged Chemical Attack in #Douma in #Syria when the OPCW's own Whistle-blowers Report didn't suit #US + Allies...
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/wallacemick/status/1549504835728412674
This is a 'must listen' for anyone who wants the truth about the Mainstream Media attempts to smear those who have exposed the #OPCW Cover Up Scandal relating to the alleged Chemical Attack in #Douma in #Syria when the OPCW's own Whistle-blowers Report didn't suit #US + Allies...
RT @aaronjmate: New @PushbackShow: The Guardian parroted US state-funded @isdglobal's evidence-free claim that I'm "the most prolific spreader of disinfor…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/wallacemick/status/1549452495050735616
@aaronjmate: Dirty war playbook deployed in Ukraine. Just like sectarian insurgents in Syria, NATO-backed Azov Nazis accuse Russia of dropping a "poisonous substance" in #Mariupol, causing "breathing difficulties."
Azov apparently hasn't heard of the #OPCW leaks, which exposed this deception.
It is so important that we have an #OPCW with 100% credibility - We will not have that till the Director General of the OPCW meets with the organisations own Whistle-blowers re #Douma - The families of the victims deserve to know the truth...
RT @aaronjmate: Today is 4 years since Douma massacre. US claimed it was a chemical weapons attack & bombed Syria. OPCW found no evidence of CW, but its findings were doctored & censored. Also…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/wallacemick/status/1512307866681712644
Fourth #OPCW #whistleblower "employee wrote that he is 'one of many who were stunned and frightened into silence by the reality how the organization operates,' and that the 'threat of personal harm' to those who speak out is 'not an illusion.'"
#USA #UK #France #WarCrimes
#OPCW #whistleblower #USA #UK #France #WarCrimes
Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (#OPCW) produces #Bullshit report to protect #UK / USAnglo- #Zionists' and their French Poodle from War Crimes committed against the #Syrian Govt during the alleged Douma chemical attack (West's mercenary #terrorists White Helmets' staged). Brave dissenting scientist who participated in on the ground investigation was even denied a visa by rogue lawless #fascist regime #USA as he was to testify before the United Nations Security Council(#UNSC)
#OPCW #Bullshit #UK #Zionists #Syrian #terrorists #fascist #USA #UNSC
The #OPCW has become a #USA's #b!tch which cloaks the #UK / USAnglo- #Zionists and #France #WarCrimes against #Syria.
#West's #hasbara #whores, aided by their #terrorist 'White Helmets' mercenaries, have been spreading propaganda against #Syria for years building-up public support for USA/ #NATO #terrorists' military intervention, a la #Libya, to #plunder the Arab nation of its resources —as the #Zionists' b!tch #Nazi Trump is lawlessly doing with Syria's #oil ~ journo
#OPCW #USA #b #UK #Zionists #France #WarCrimes #Syria #West #Hasbara #whores #terrorist #NATO #terrorists #Libya #PLUNDER #Nazi #oil
To protect the #WarCrimes committed by the bellicose #USA empire and its b!tches #UK, and #France, when they bombed #Syria on a knowingly false pretense fabricated by their #terrorist mercenaries on payroll, 'White Helmets':
Senior #OPCW official ordered to delete 'all traces' of dissenting report on '#Douma chemical attack' - Wikileaks releases new leak.
#WarCrimes #USA #UK #France #Syria #terrorist #OPCW #Douma
West's #hasbara #whores, like NewsWeek, suppress information which exposes #USA and its #UK and #French b!tches nakedly as to what they are: WAR CRIMINALS who use bribes and threats to pressure purportedly impartial international bodies, like #OPCW (and #ICC, #WADA, and #IOC, etc.,), to engage in #CORRUPTION by favouring Anglo- Euro- #ZioNazi interests; or else to be sanctioned. https://www.rt.com/news/475331-opcw-syria-newsweek-resigns/
#Hasbara #whores #USA #UK #French #OPCW #ICC #WADA #IOC #CORRUPTION #ZioNazi