@RupertCocke #Oil prices are currently skyrocketed and also #OPECplus countries don't agree on increasing their production.
#usa citizens are angry over high gas prices and rising #inflation so it will be hard time for #democrats to win #uselections2024.
Venezuela has huge amount of oil reserve. #Bidenadministration didn't have any option left so he end up with lifting economic #sanctions on #venezuela.
Interesting to see if they will put sanctions again on Venezuela after election.
#inflation #oil #Bidenadministration #sanctions #venezuela #OPECplus #usa #democrats #USelections2024
Referenced link: https://www.jungewelt.de/artikel/436069.opec-plus-den-preis-treiben.html
Originally posted by junge Welt / @jungewelt@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/jungewelt/status/1577992069423013888#m
Die #OPECplus teilte am Mittwoch mit, das Förderkartell werde die #Erdöl-Förderung künftig um zwei Millionen Barrel pro Tag reduzieren.
Die US-Regierung hatte zuvor versucht ihre Verbündeten unter Druck zu setzen, um dies zu verhindern.