Having cold hands be a massive trigger really fucking sucks 🥴😩😭
Especially when I work in a cold barn and it's -10°C outside
I need beter gloves 😐
#ptsd #dissociativeidentitydisorder #OSDDID #dissociatoot
I'm honestly terrified to sleep right now.
So many horrible memories and feelings are close to the front. It's like I'm full of pins and needles and anytime I move or think, I hurt.
I just know I'm gonna continue having nightmares and wake up feeling even worse
#dissociativeidentitydisorder #OSDDID #did #system #ptsd
New #dissociativeidentitydisorder video, with what is honestly the funniest thumbnail I will ever make in my life. #mentalhealth #OSDDID
#OSDDID #mentalhealth #dissociativeidentitydisorder