Kingsley Uyi Idehen · @kidehen
408 followers · 884 posts · Server
Kingsley Uyi Idehen · @kidehen
372 followers · 729 posts · Server

I've uploaded an document to my personal at:

If you have our Browser Ext. installed, you can start exploration via any profile of interest.

Specific steps:
1. Click on the that denotes the doc in my briefcase

2. Click on a hyperlink that denotes a user

3. Click on the hyperlink that denotes the or of a selected user

That's it.

/cc @observablehq @mauforonda @Mastodon @judell

#RDFTurtle #odsbriefcase #OSDS #fediverse #hyperlink #rss #activitystreams #DataSpaces

Last updated 2 years ago

OpenLink Software · @openlink
11 followers · 10 posts · Server

Quick Structured Data Sniffer () Browser Extension update.

The latest edition (automatically updated) from the and @mozilla stores includes automatic discovery and presentation of data from @Mastodon profile pages -- alongside .

The next release adds integration, meaning:

You can interact with the chatbot directly via a new integrated UI.

#OSDS #googlechrome #activitystreams #rss #gptchat #fyi #browserextension

Last updated 2 years ago

Kingsley Uyi Idehen · @kidehen
362 followers · 723 posts · Server

Also note a few important items exposed in the sample entity description page:

2. URL
3. Profile Page URL

If you our Structured Data Sniffer () Browser Extension installed, you can even use it as an alternative explorer for navigating the of Data creating by ActivityStreams generated by operations.

That we are here today is a miracle, in the truest sense -- based on my 20+ year odyssey.😀

/cc @observablehq @mauforonda @Mastodon @judell

#activitystreams #url #rss #OSDS #web #activitypub

Last updated 2 years ago

Kingsley Uyi Idehen · @kidehen
254 followers · 370 posts · Server

So many wonderful things are happening, in parallel, now that innovation has returned to the -- in loosely-coupled form.

Our Structured Data Sniffer Browser Extension ( and account handle @datasniff) offers an easy way to discover embeddings in .

For example, see what it unveils from a Trustpilot page denoted by the

#web #OSDS #knowledgegraph #html #hyperlink #linkeddata

Last updated 2 years ago

Kingsley Uyi Idehen · @kidehen
254 followers · 368 posts · Server

The OpenLink Structured Data Sniffer () Browser Extension [1] includes an ability to highlight keywords it encounters in documents.

Using a document denoted by a e.g.,, here's how the functionality is invoked:

1. Open doc in browser

2. Click on "doggie" icon

3. Click on SuperLinks button to
inject a per recognized keyword

4.Click on highlighted word for a associated entity description.



#OSDS #html #hyperlink #howto

Last updated 2 years ago

Kingsley Uyi Idehen · @kidehen
242 followers · 313 posts · Server