Day 26) Favourite CHARACTER SHEET
Always the ones adorned or created by my players. The #OSE sheet below has been beautifully colored by my friend Tab (I have a photo of the sheet at the wall of my living room), the #TrophyDark sheet was created by @thopan who posted it a few days ago on Mastodon
#folkdnd #StillBetterArtThanDocumenta
#rpgaday2023 #OSE #TrophyDark #folkdnd #stillbetterartthandocumenta
Well, as of right now the complex RPGs I currently play are #DnD5e, #Cthulhu, #Shadowrun, #TheOneRing and #OSE (B/X is NOT a rules light game imo). As for the simple ones, well I hope to play #TrophyRPG again, soon. I also enjoy the #TinyD6 games, #IntoTheOdd, and #Cairn.
#rpgaday2023 #dnd5e #cthulhu #shadowrun #TheOneRing #OSE #trophyrpg #tinyd6 #IntotheOdd #cairn
23) COOLEST looking RPG product / book
Have to catch up, because I spent so much time thinking about this yesterday and couldn’t decide. There’s so many incredibly cool looking games out there. #Vaesen, #FateForge, #Symbaroum, #Numenera, #CYBorg, #MörkBorg, the #OSE boxed sets, etc.
I’m going to go with #TheOneRing, though. The art direction for both is different, but I think they’re both equally cool in their own way. They capture the essence of Tolkien and are beautiful books.
#rpgaday2023 #Vaesen #Fateforge #symbaroum #numenera #cyborg #morkborg #OSE #TheOneRing
Favorite game system?
This will come as no shock, but classic D&D. It is in no way, shape or form the perfect system for everything, it isn't even the perfect system for D&D (as if there could be such a thing) but it's such a great system for tinkering with, both on it's own and through the many many retro clones and derivative games that have come out of the OSR.
#rpgaday2023 #rpgaday #osr #bxdnd #RulesCyclpedia #OSE
@Morgunin @greenspindle @Frank82R aber ja. Jetzt will ich meine Riesenameise satteln und Slavelords smashen. #OSE #DarkSun wann?
So, because of what @HeyeBodo said about #WyvernSongs containing additional options for #HideousDaylight, I read into that.
It turns out, it’s not just additional options, the book actually includes a way to tie in both HD and #TempleOf1000Swords and turn all three into an awesome hexcrawler sandbox campaign.
I bought these books by @bradkerr on a hunch, because of the artwork, and because I wanted to show some people a cool game (#OSE) this weekend. Looks like we’re all in for a fun ride.
#wyvernsongs #hideousdaylight #templeof1000swords #OSE
Reddit User #Lixuni98 made an #OSE Version of #DarkSun.
Here’s their latest version.
Also, they’ve converted Spelljammer to OSE.
@greenspindle @Frank82R es gibt schon diese echt beeindruckende #Darksun Adaption für #OSE 🙂 Denke auch, das #WorldsWithoutNumber voll gut funktionieren würde. Tolle dnd Variante und das Setting ist schon postapokalyptisch angelegt und aus dem voll-kompatiblen #StarsWithoutNumber könnte man die Psionics-Regeln klauben
#darksun #OSE #WorldsWithoutNumber #starswithoutnumber
- Eine West Marches-Kampagne (powered by #OSE oder #Shadowdark) mit @Morgunin @thopan und @greenspindle + ca. 5 weiteren Leuten
- #MothershipRPG (A Pound of Flesh)
- #DarkSun (via #Adnd oder #OSE)
- West Marches IN SPACE: BSG-inspirierte military SciFi Kampagne mit wechselnder Personage. Alle spielen Besatzungsmitglieder eines „letzten Schiffes“ (#StarsWithoutNumbers o. #Traveller)
- #DCC Chained Coffin Campaign
…dream on Bodo 😅
#OSE #shadowdark #mothershiprpg #darksun #adnd #starswithoutnumbers #traveller #dcc
#RPGaDay2023 Day19 Favourite Published Adventure
There are too many…cannot decide 😰 Probably one from the following list:
#DeadPlanet for #MothershipRPG
#SailorsOnTheStarlessSea for #DCC
#HoleInTheSky for DCC
#BlackWyrmofBrandonsford for #OSE
#WintersDaughter for OSE
#HestersMill for #TrophyGoldRPG
#FoulCoultsBounty for #TrophyGoldRPG
#TheGardensOfYnn (#osr)
#DeadGirlsInSarkashForest for #MörkBork
#HallsOfTheBloodKing for OSE
#rpgaday2023 #deadplanet #mothershiprpg #sailorsonthestarlesssea #dcc #holeinthesky #blackwyrmofbrandonsford #OSE #wintersdaughter #hestersmill #TrophyGoldRPG #foulcoultsbounty #thegardensofynn #osr #deadgirlsinsarkashforest #morkbork #hallsofthebloodking
#RPGaDay2023 (15) : "Favourite con module/one shot". Have not attended a con for decades, but generally speaking, when it comes to one shots, I like #DCC funnels (#SailorsOnTheStarlessSea in particular), #TrophyDark incursions, the scenarios found in the #DeadPlanet module for #MothershipRPG, Hester‘s Mill for #TrophyGoldRPG, #WintersDaughter for #OSE … could add more
#rpgaday2023 #dcc #sailorsonthestarlesssea #TrophyDark #deadplanet #mothershiprpg #TrophyGoldRPG #wintersdaughter #OSE
It arrived! Yay! And, it's suitable for Dungeon Crawl Classics
#TTRPGs #ttrpgcommunity #rpg #rpgmaker #DCC #dungeoncrawlclassics #DnD #dndoc #osr #OSE #fantasy #OldSchool
#ttrpgs #ttrpgcommunity #rpg #rpgmaker #dcc #dungeoncrawlclassics #dnd #dndoc #osr #OSE #fantasy #oldschool
#RPGaDay2023 The oldest game I am still playing? Probably the ever popular “people meet to make up stories”-game ; Technically, #OSE could qualify, but I failed miserable in making sense of #DnD when it came out while I enjoy #OSE a lot. Thus, this must be a different game for me nowadays. Honorable mention goes to #SavageWorlds which I am playing for 15+ years now and which still very much enjoy.
#rpgaday2023 #OSE #dnd #savageworlds
#RPGaDAY2023 Day 12:
Old game that you still play: #ADnD2E and if I include retroclones: #OSE (dnd B/X) which provided me with some of the best gaming experiences of the last years. Especially when playing mostly online, OSE provides an opportunity to just create a character on the fly and get straight into adventure gaming
I backed #Dolmenwood yesterday. It's such a beautiful #ttrpg 😍
This and my appreciation for #OSE made it a must have to me.
You said
"Then bust out #DCC #blackSwordHack #blackHack #OSE #whiteHack #intoTheOdd or some such thing."
This is called a "bait and switch".
Please do not assume ignorance in this conversation. You're allowed (encouraged!) to like different things but I'm also allowed to like different things. OK?
@Sandra @ChaskaTheMagicDog@dice.cam
#dcc #blackswordhack #blackhack #OSE #whitehack #IntoTheOdd
RPG A Day 2023 - Day 5:
Oldest Game played:
Well, probably chess and Hnefatafl? Concerning TTRPGs and their different editions:
This must have been the german first edition of "Das Schwarze Auge" (The Dark Eye) back in 1984 in the year it was published.
I still think this was the very best edition this game has ever had. Its rules and world descriptions became too unwieldy after that. What's your opinion on this? 🙂
#rpgaday2023 #ttrpg #rpgaday #pnpde #OSE #dsa