One of the ways to financially #OpenStreetMap is to donate to the OpenStreetMap Foundation! Once off, or recurring, donations are always welcome.
Don't forget to mention the fediverse/mastodon in the donation message. 🙂
#OpenStreetMap #OSM #osmf #OSMFoundation
The #OpenStreetMap Foundation is looking for a new email hosting service (to replace google), for * emails.
Do you know anything that fits these specs? Suggest it here! 👇 🙂📧
#OSM #OSMF #OSMFoundation #OpenStreetMapFoundation
#OpenStreetMap #OSM #osmf #OSMFoundation #OpenStreetMapFoundation
Gave a quick presentation about the #OSMFoundation during State of the Map Asia 2022. As a Board member I felt it was my duty to inform OSM enthusiasts about what OSMF is and why they should join (for free!) or why they should form Local Chapters.
📷 Arnalie Vicario
#SotMA2022 #StateOfTheMapAsia2022 #StateOfTheMapAsia #OpenStreetMap
#OSMFoundation #sotma2022 #stateofthemapasia2022 #StateOfTheMapAsia #OpenStreetMap