Interesting read, but it doesn't exactly point out that the units' needed for reliability if not there would trigger rolling blackouts to manage the demand the supply can meet--which isn't going to make any friends during heat (or cold) storms. Same with Alyso Canyon and the need for gas storage inside LA--particularly in winter when gas flowing into the state can be impinged by other states' own increased gas demand (from among things dropping coal).
Maybe the future transition from gas to electricity will help Alyso get retired, but I still expect gas generation--particularly the ones that DONT run 98% of the time--continue to be needed for the peak days.
And given the massive amount of additional electric generating capacity that's needed for the new demand in a decarbonized state, it will be many years before we're closer to supply / demand equilibrium.
#Opiods #Narcan #OTC #CDC #HeartAttack #AED
You can now by Narcan OTC per the CDC. Something everyone should add to their emergency medical kit.
Everyone should also have an AED (automatic electronic defibrulator) in their emergency medical kit too but unfortnately they're still too expensive for most people to buy one but, if I lived w/someone who was at high risk for a heart attack, I'd have no problem paying the $1.5-2k for one.
#opiods #narcan #OTC #cdc #heartattack #aed
A generation of firsts for Indigenous women: Sharon Meyer's story
#IndigenousPeoples #FirstNations #Kanata #Canada #Saskatchewan #Education #SharonMeyer #ITEP #Poverty #Racism #Cree #OTC
#indigenouspeoples #firstnations #kanata #canada #saskatchewan #education #sharonmeyer #itep #poverty #racism #cree #OTC
#birthcontrolpill #OTC #ReproductiveJustice
RT @brenovable1: Buscamos aliados de #OTC en #CYL para poblar los pueblos con comunidades energéticas y liberar cerros y tierras de cultivos de la plaga especulativa de los #macroproyectos
Si conoces pásalo, para establecer alianzas y sinergias en nuestra tierra.
Crypto players lament sputtering OTC trading as mistrust flourishes post-FTX #cryptocurrency #otc #ftx
How The FTX Collapse Spiked Fees On Popular Bitcoin Exchanges
#Exchanges #Markets #Opinion #Fees #FTX #Otc
#exchanges #markets #opinion #Fees #FTX #OTC
Wow, look at the newly updated New and Recommended Romance Display! We have,,,,,,, and so many more! Running this display is an honor. Stop by soon! #OTC
Bitcoin Mining Service Provider Luxor Launches Hashprice OTC Derivative
#hashrateindex #Bitcoinmining #Derivatives #Hashrate #Markets #luxor #News #Otc
#hashrateindex #bitcoinmining #derivatives #hashrate #markets #luxor #news #OTC
SBI Group reports investee getting CFTC approval for OTC derivatives trading in US
#unitedstates #derivatives #regulation #CFTC #SBI #OTC
#unitedstates #derivatives #regulation #CFTC #SBI #OTC
Huobi Becomes Latest Crypto Exchange to Receive Provisional Approval From Dubai Regulator
#DubaiVirtualAssetsRegulatory #financialservicesprovider #CryptocurrencyExchange #Dubaidigitaleconomy #financialinnovation #digitaleconomy #Exchanges #LilyZhang #Huobi #OTC
#DubaiVirtualAssetsRegulatory #financialservicesprovider #cryptocurrencyexchange #Dubaidigitaleconomy #financialinnovation #DigitalEconomy #exchanges #LilyZhang #Huobi #OTC