i distinctly remember ao3 being called out for protecting and ignoring racism on their platform for years, before the acts of alex and the other board members. them resigning will not solve this problem--the corruption in otw's management is pretty severe and this has happened before.
idk man. their repeated silence and ignoring of stuff like this over the years is getting really insufferable lol
So everyone on the ballot will get on the board automatically because 2 board members just quit.
Don't come at me with "so you're pro harassment" but I'm glad Audrey stepped back already.
The whole organisation is chaotic as fuck and a lot of things seem to be going on underneath the surface.
If you know the name of the fucking idiots who are running a #ddos attack against #ao3, do NOT name them.
They are after attention and other things and the best thing you can do to support our favorite site is not to speak their names.
#otw volunteers will get this under control. There are mitigation techniques. #ao3down
Been poking around the #otw code archive for #ao3. Gonna use some of my programming skills and fix a few bugs on there. I'm pretty sure I know what's going on with it. #programming
I don't have really a bead about what's going on right now but looming from the outside in, since it's elections with #otw soon, the board is gonna be useless as it might be shook up.
I'd be interested in seeing what happens when the seats are refilled.
I'm not sure what support you may be referencing when it comes to #OTW.
I'm not sure if any #fanfic cases live right now where they could file an amicus (friend of the court) brief.
If AO3 wants to bring a case, they gotta prove harm. Claiming we can't get paid won't count as a harm since our works are considered derivative.
I'm not disagreeing. I'm just rambling possible avenues and the challenges of each.
@VeniaSilente I am with you in spirit on your approach to this but you also have to think about how the legal system works. (I'm assuming you're US due to your use of precedence.)
Not bringing up the whole standing to file a complaint #OTW would have to come up with you gotta be sure you have enough in your side to win. Fanfic is a gray area and if they bring a case to soon, courts could rule against them and establish new precedence worse for us. #notalaywer #just #research #lawyerfriends
#OTW #notalaywer #just #research #lawyerfriends
Obligatory #introduction post! I'm auntags
#OTW volunteer, #fanlore gardener and at this stage I'm probably a #FandomOld. Too many #fandoms to mention but I'm a #sff fan who loves books, audiobooks, #fanfic and I'm starting to get into #podfics. I'm auntaggie on #ao3 and #tumblr, but hoping to find some new folks to follow here
I'm also #irish, so there will likely be lots of retoots bout the state of the weather. Agus retoots as #gaeilge. Táim ag iarraidh mo scileanna teanga a cleachtadh 😊
#introduction #OTW #fanlore #fandomold #fandoms #sff #fanfic #podfics #ao3 #tumblr #irish #gaeilge
De nieuwe “Stop Geweld Tegen Vrouwen” sjablonen voor Orange The World zijn binnen! We kunnen op pad! 25 November: OrangeDay!
#otw #stopgeweldtegenvrouwen #zontasaysno #zontasaysnotoviolenceagainstwomen @unwomennl @zonta_nederland @soroptimistnl
#zontasaysnotoviolenceagainstwomen #zontasaysno #stopgeweldtegenvrouwen #OTW