REPOST JANUARY 2021 | 2021 Will #NOT be #Business as #Usual!! As much as I appreciate Mrs. Yellen concerns regarding #Money_Laundering imo she is missing the " #ELEPHANT IN THE #ROOM " --like most #Central_Banks do... #Majority of #Money_Laundering Originates #out of the #CENTRAL_BANKS. #Private_Banks wash money through #Central_Banks. #Fractional_Lending is a MAGNET to Money_Launderers.. See below for detailed information regarding how to #Collect_Taxes #Across_Borders. A Public Accessible #Registrar/#Register of the #Beneficial_OWNERSHIP.
#Money_Laundering #Capital of the #World. | At the Twilight of the #British_Empire, #Bankers and #Accountants from the #City_Of_London set up a #Spiders_Web of #Offshore #Secrecy_Jurisdictions that Captured #Wealth from Across the GLOBE and #FUNNELLED it to #LONDON?? " We need to be quite sure that the Possible Proliferation of #TRUST Companies, BANKS etc., #FOUNDATIONS which in most Cases would be NO MORE than Brass Plates #Manipulating_Assets #Outside the #Islands does get #OUT_OF_HAND?? "
The #CITY_OF_LONDON, a convenient term for a COLLECTION of FINANCIAL INTERESTS is able to Assert #ITSELF_AGAINST the #Government of the Country??
Here are 5 #Steps to Put an #END_TO_THEM.
1. #Stop Public #Councils from #Issuing Public Contracts to Companies #Operating out of Tax Havens.
2. CREATE #Public_Registries of #Beneficial_Owners of #Companies, #TRUSTS and #FOUNDATIONS
3. Introduce #FULL_TRANSPARENCY of #Deals and #SECRET_Agreements between #Companies and #Governments
4. Introduce #Public Country by Country #Reporting by #Multinational Companies.
5. Introduce #Automatic_Information_Exchange between all Countries
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#not #business #usual #money_laundering #ELEPHANT #ROOM #Central_Banks #MAJORITY #out #Private_Banks #Fractional_Lending #Collect_Taxes #Across_Borders #Registrar #Beneficial_OWNERSHIP #Capital #world #British_Empire #Bankers #Accountants #CITY_Of_LONDON #Spiders_Web #offshore #Secrecy_Jurisdictions #Wealth #FUNNELLED #london #TRUST #FOUNDATIONS #Manipulating_Assets #Outside #Islands #OUT_OF_HAND #ITSELF_AGAINST #government #steps #END_TO_THEM #STOP #Councils #Issuing #Operating #Public_Registries #Beneficial_Owners #Companies #TRUSTS #FULL_TRANSPARENCY #Deals #SECRET_Agreements #governments #public #reporting #Multinational #Automatic_Information_Exchange #SIGN_UP #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
REPOST JANUARY 2021 | 2021 Will #NOT be #Business as #Usual!! As much as I appreciate Mrs. Yellen concerns regarding #Money_Laundering imo she is missing the " #ELEPHANT IN THE #ROOM " --like most #Central_Banks do... #Majority of #Money_Laundering Originates #out of the #CENTRAL_BANKS. #Private_Banks wash money through #Central_Banks. #Fractional_Lending is a MAGNET to Money_Launderers.. See below for detailed information regarding how to #Collect_Taxes #Across_Borders. A Public Accessible #Registrar/#Register of the #Beneficial_OWNERSHIP.
#Money_Laundering #Capital of the #World. | At the Twilight of the #British_Empire, #Bankers and #Accountants from the #City_Of_London set up a #Spiders_Web of #Offshore #Secrecy_Jurisdictions that Captured #Wealth from Across the GLOBE and #FUNNELLED it to #LONDON?? " We need to be quite sure that the Possible Proliferation of #TRUST Companies, BANKS etc., #FOUNDATIONS which in most Cases would be NO MORE than Brass Plates #Manipulating_Assets #Outside the #Islands does get #OUT_OF_HAND?? "
The #CITY_OF_LONDON, a convenient term for a COLLECTION of FINANCIAL INTERESTS is able to Assert #ITSELF_AGAINST the #Government of the Country??
Here are 5 #Steps to Put an #END_TO_THEM.
1. #Stop Public #Councils from #Issuing Public Contracts to Companies #Operating out of Tax Havens.
2. CREATE #Public_Registries of #Beneficial_Owners of #Companies, #TRUSTS and #FOUNDATIONS
3. Introduce #FULL_TRANSPARENCY of #Deals and #SECRET_Agreements between #Companies and #Governments
4. Introduce #Public Country by Country #Reporting by #Multinational Companies.
5. Introduce #Automatic_Information_Exchange between all Countries
#not #business #usual #money_laundering #ELEPHANT #ROOM #Central_Banks #MAJORITY #out #Private_Banks #Fractional_Lending #Collect_Taxes #Across_Borders #Registrar #Beneficial_OWNERSHIP #Capital #world #British_Empire #Bankers #Accountants #CITY_Of_LONDON #Spiders_Web #offshore #Secrecy_Jurisdictions #Wealth #FUNNELLED #london #TRUST #FOUNDATIONS #Manipulating_Assets #Outside #Islands #OUT_OF_HAND #ITSELF_AGAINST #government #steps #END_TO_THEM #STOP #Councils #Issuing #Operating #Public_Registries #Beneficial_Owners #Companies #TRUSTS #FULL_TRANSPARENCY #Deals #SECRET_Agreements #governments #public #reporting #Multinational #Automatic_Information_Exchange
#Fast_food, #Fat_profits: #Obesity in #America | Fault Lines
Obesity in America has reached a #crisis point. #Two out of every #three Americans are #overweight, and #one out of every #three is #obese. One in three is expected to have #diabetes by 2050.
#Minorities have been even more..
#How did the situation get so #out_of_hand?
Founder of #SEO
Disclaimer: http://Davidv.TV and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL
#seo #OUT_OF_HAND #how #minorities #diabetes #obese #one #overweight #three #two #crisis #america #obesity #Fat_profits #Fast_food #internation_tech_news
#Fast_food, #Fat_profits: #Obesity in #America | Fault Lines
Obesity in America has reached a #crisis point. #Two out of every #three Americans are #overweight, and #one out of every #three is #obese. One in three is expected to have #diabetes by 2050.
#Minorities have been even more..
#How did the situation get so #out_of_hand?
Founder of #SEO
Disclaimer: http://Davidv.TV and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL
#seo #OUT_OF_HAND #how #minorities #diabetes #obese #one #overweight #three #two #crisis #america #obesity #Fat_profits #Fast_food #internation_tech_news
#Fast_food, #Fat_profits: #Obesity in #America | Fault Lines
Obesity in America has reached a #crisis point. #Two out of every #three Americans are #overweight, and #one out of every #three is #obese. One in three is expected to have #diabetes by 2050.
#Minorities have been even more..
#How did the situation get so #out_of_hand?
Founder of #SEO
Disclaimer: http://Davidv.TV and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL
#seo #OUT_OF_HAND #how #minorities #diabetes #obese #one #overweight #three #two #crisis #america #obesity #Fat_profits #Fast_food #internation_tech_news
#Fast_food, #Fat_profits: #Obesity in #America | Fault Lines
Obesity in America has reached a #crisis point. #Two out of every #three Americans are #overweight, and #one out of every #three is #obese. One in three is expected to have #diabetes by 2050.
#Minorities have been even more..
#How did the situation get so #out_of_hand?
Founder of #SEO
Disclaimer: http://Davidv.TV and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL
#internation_tech_news #Fast_food #Fat_profits #obesity #america #crisis #two #three #overweight #one #obese #diabetes #minorities #HOW #OUT_OF_HAND #SEO
#Fast_food, #Fat_profits: #Obesity in #America | Fault Lines
Obesity in America has reached a #crisis point. #Two out of every #three Americans are #overweight, and #one out of every #three is #obese. One in three is expected to have #diabetes by 2050.
#Minorities have been even more..
#How did the situation get so #out_of_hand?
Founder of #SEO
Disclaimer: http://Davidv.TV and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL
#seo #OUT_OF_HAND #how #minorities #diabetes #obese #one #overweight #three #two #crisis #america #obesity #Fat_profits #Fast_food #internation_tech_news
Memory_Lane | REPOST! #WARNING for 2021
2021 Will #NOT be #Business as #Usual!!
As much as we appreciate Mrs. Yellen concerns regarding #Money_Laundering imo she is missing the " #ELEPHANT IN THE #ROOM "
--like most #Central_Banks do...
Majority of Money Laundering Originates #out of the #CENTRAL_BANKS.
#Private_Banks WASH money through #Central_Banks.
#Fractional_Lending is a MAGNET to Money Launderers..
See below for detailed information regarding how to #Collect_Taxes #Across_Borders.
A Public Accessible #Registrar/#Register of the #Beneficial_OWNERSHIP.
#Money_Laundering #Capital of the #World.
At the Twilight of the #British_Empire, #Bankers and #Accountants from the #City_Of_London set up a #Spiders_Web of #Offshore #Secrecy_Jurisdictions that Captured #Wealth from Across the GLOBE and #FUNNELLED it to #LONDON??
" We need to be quite sure that the Possible Proliferation of #TRUST Companies, BANKS etc., #FOUNDATIONS which in most Cases would be NO MORE than Brass Plates #Manipulating_Assets #Outside the #Islands does get #OUT_OF_HAND?? "
The #CITY_OF_LONDON, a convenient term for a COLLECTION of FINANCIAL INTERESTS is able to Assert #ITSELF_AGAINST the #Government of the Country??
Here are 5 #Steps to Put an #END_TO_THEM.
1. #Stop Public #Councils from #Issuing Public Contracts to Companies #Operating out of Tax Havens.
2. CREATE #Public_Registries of #Beneficial_Owners of #Companies, #TRUSTS and #FOUNDATIONS
3. Introduce #FULL_TRANSPARENCY of #Deals and #SECRET_Agreements between #Companies and #Governments
4. Introduce #Public Country by Country #Reporting by #Multinational Companies.
5. Introduce #Automatic_Information_Exchange between all Countries
#Institutionalized_Theft | #Institutionalized_Money_Laundering and #Institutionalized_DISCRIMINATION!
SOLUTION: Global Standards to #Collect_Taxes #Across_Borders. A Public Accessible #Registrar/#Register of the #Beneficial_OWNERSHIP.
Disclaimer: (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#warning #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #not #business #usual #money_laundering #ELEPHANT #ROOM #Central_Banks #out #Private_Banks #Fractional_Lending #Collect_Taxes #Across_Borders #Registrar #Beneficial_OWNERSHIP #Capital #world #British_Empire #Bankers #Accountants #CITY_Of_LONDON #Spiders_Web #offshore #Secrecy_Jurisdictions #Wealth #FUNNELLED #london #TRUST #FOUNDATIONS #Manipulating_Assets #Outside #Islands #OUT_OF_HAND #ITSELF_AGAINST #government #steps #END_TO_THEM #STOP #Councils #Issuing #Operating #Public_Registries #Beneficial_Owners #Companies #TRUSTS #FULL_TRANSPARENCY #Deals #SECRET_Agreements #governments #public #reporting #Multinational #Automatic_Information_Exchange #Institutionalized_Theft #Institutionalized_MONEY_LAUNDERING #INSTITUTIONALIZED_DISCRIMINATION
BIG GOV | #CITY_Of_LONDON | #Money_Laundering #Capital of the #World. | At the Twilight of the #British_Empire, #Bankers and #Accountants from the #City_Of_London set up a #Spiders_Web of #Offshore #Secrecy_Jurisdictions that Captured #Wealth from Across the GLOBE and #FUNNELLED it to #LONDON?? "
Disclaimer: DavidV.TV and/or its owners (Tastingtraffic LLC) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used and this is NOT a Sponsored (Paid)
#OUT_OF_HAND #london #Funnelled #wealth #Secrecy_Jurisdictions #OffShore #Spiders_Web #Accountants #bankers #British_Empire #world #capital #money_laundering #CITY_Of_LONDON