It's official.
We're pregnant.
Now to stay that way for the next 26 weeks at least..
#growbabygrow #OVERACHIEVER #holyshitwearepregnant
5 to 7 interest tags not in my profile? Cool.
I went over by one. #overachiever #ADHDLife if you can't laugh at yourself, you might be boring 😛
#falloutnv #theouterworlds #TrashPandas #ScreamAtOwnAss #plushies #stationeryaddict #StickersAndWashiTape #pens #OVERACHIEVER #adhdlife
笑得有点想死了,先是再次因为上一季度bill太多小时被律所发邮件说给你赞助五百刀a night out记得保持work life balance,再是刚刚提醒合伙人一个东西要不要发给客户,合伙人说嗯应该发一下,thanks for thinking of that,然后给我发了个hashtag #OVERACHIEVER 我他妈 :parrot58: