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Originally posted by The Hacker News / @TheHackersNews:
🚨Broken Object-Level Authorization: The hidden enemy of API security!
Learn how to protect your data from BOLA vulnerabilities the consequences and solutions in this latest article:
#apisecurity #OWASP #cybersecurity
TFW you’re at an #OWASP meeting and they ask “does anyone here NOT speak português?” and you’re the sole person to raise their hand. 😅
Need to catch up on #threatmodeling in 2 days. Any advice on good resources? Or just #owasp
Conversei com o João Freire @p0ssuidao , Sergio Soares e Wesley Souza @wesley sobre o relatório OWASP Kubernetes Top Ten vulnerabilidades 2022
#OWASP #kubernetes #TOP10Vulnerabilities #DevOps #CloudNative
#OWASP #kubernetes #top10vulnerabilities #DevOps #CloudNative
Was trying some path reversal attacks and made a very very small payload processor for #OWASP zap. So when you FUZZ with something that has {FILE} in it, it will replace it with /etc/passwd.
Still can't figure things out with Burpsuite.
function process(payload) {
var replaceWith = '/etc/passwd';
return payload.replace('{FILE}',replaceWith);
WebGoat Teaches You To Fix Web Application Flaws In Real-time #WebGoat #Docker #Java #Linux #OWASP #Security #webapplication
#webapplication #security #OWASP #Linux #Java #Docker #WebGoat