The “Grift” of Ohio Repub’s is inestimable!
“W/the stroke of DeWine’s pen on Independence Day, the foundation & 19 regional boards became immune from state bribery, ethics, or open records laws. To put a finer point on it:
The use of public money, which was won in lawsuits brought by elected officials, can now be shielded from the public itself.” #opiods #oxy #settlement
Indigenous rights: U'wa make history in case against extractivism
#indigenous #UwaNation #iachr #colombia #fossilfuels #extractivism #Ecotourism #Resguardo #reserves #Samore #OXY #Ecopetrol #CapitalistCorporations #capitalism #corporations
Old enough to remember when #PurduePharma was wineing and dining doctors so they could roll in dough -- while the poor died by the truckload from their poison #Oxy pills.
Yesterday, #DDoSecrets released 450 gigabytes of files and emails from #Petroworks, which provides well drilling services and drilling equipment to the Oil & Gas and Energy industries. Their customers include #Chevron, #Halliburton and #OXY.
#OXY #halliburton #Chevron #Petroworks #ddosecrets