#Introduction I am Dakota V Adams, born Dakota Stewart Rhodes and eldest son of #oathkeepers militia leader and Jan. 6th Insurrectionist Elmer Stewart Rhodes. I write a Substack newsletter about my childhood in the militia movement and local politics, and my for Raw Story essay on leaving the far right and getting my family away from Stewart won an online journalism award. I really hope the Fediverse takes off, because #Web3 is a dystopia nightmare run by crypto-fascist millionaires.
#introduction #OathKeepers #web3
#Trump hält heute seine erste Rally zur Wahl 2024 in #Waco ab. Aktuell anstellen am VA. Waco ist die "Wiege der texanischen Freiheit", oder auch der Schrein der #ProudBoys, #ThreePercenters, #OathKeepers & andere regierungsfeindliche Extremisten & Verschwörer. #Texas #MAGA 1/x
RT @affeu2
Eilmeldung: #Trump droht mit „Tod und Zerstörung“, falls er angeklagt wird. Darauf wird ein verdächtiges weißes Pulver in einem Umschlag im Büro des St…
#trump #waco #ProudBoys #threepercenters #OathKeepers #texas #MAGA
12/x #Trump hält die erste Kundgebung seiner Kampagne 2024 in #Waco ab. Sie ist die "Wiege der texanischen Freiheit", oder auch der Schrein der #ProudBoys, #ThreePercenters, #OathKeepers & andere regierungsfeindliche Extremisten & Verschwörer. #Texas
By holding his first big 2024 rally in Waco, Texas, on the anniversary of its siege, Trump sends an unmistakable message to extremists. (via MaddowBlog) https://www.msnbc.com/rache…
#trump #waco #ProudBoys #threepercenters #OathKeepers #texas
#OathKeepers verdicts summary:
1- plead guilty before trial, conspiracy/sedition
2- trial 1: Rhodes et al, sedition
3- trial 2: Minuta et al, sedition
4- trial 3: Parker et al, conspiracy
to come:
trial: Crowl and Beeks, possibly joined by Brown and SoRelle
bench trial: Walden
#USA: Weitere #OathKeepers für Sturm aufs US-#Capitol verurteilt. Vier weitere rechtsextreme Anhänger Donald #Trump|s müssen mit einer Höchststrafe von 20 Jahren Gefängnis rechnen. Eine Jury hat die Mitglieder für schuldig befunden. https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/sturm-auf-das-us-kapitol-mitglieder-der-rechtsextremen-oath-keepers-verurteilt-a-a612fd8b-9e8a-4a8a-9f44-4fa2f45f4b0f
#usa #OathKeepers #Capitol #trump
California County Re-Elects Former Oath Keeper as Sheriff | https://www.theroot.com/california-county-re-elects-former-oath-keeper-as-sheri-1849971086 #lawenforcementintheunitedstates #sheriffsintheunitedstates #politicsbycountry #pressenterprise #lawenforcement #war2cconflict #coreyjackson #unitedstates #oathkeepers #law2ccrime #chadbianco
#lawenforcementintheunitedstates #sheriffsintheunitedstates #politicsbycountry #pressenterprise #lawenforcement #war2cconflict #coreyjackson #UnitedStates #OathKeepers #law2ccrime #chadbianco
Proud Boys Trial Is Set to Open, Focusing on Role in Jan. 6 Violence https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/18/us/politics/proud-boys-trial-jan-6-capitol-attack.html #UnitedStatesPoliticsandGovernment #StormingoftheUSCapitol(Jan,2021) #Right-WingExtremismandAlt-Right #Biggs,Joseph(1984-) #TreasonandSedition #Pezzola,Dominic #Tarrio,Enrique #Nordean,Ethan #OathKeepers #Rehl,Zach #ProudBoys
#UnitedStatesPoliticsandGovernment #StormingoftheUSCapitol #Right #Biggs #TreasonandSedition #Pezzola #Tarrio #Nordean #OathKeepers #Rehl #ProudBoys
There's beyond a myriad of reasons to leave #twitter (or stay & just use it for research) and move to another platform like this extinct furry elephant site.
Let me share one of mine…
I can’t do this on the tesla-bird app:
#ddosecrets #osint #riptwitter #twittermigration #oathKeepers #patriotFront #BlueLeaks #police
(re-posting to fix technical issues)
#twitter #ddosecrets #osint #RIPTwitter #twittermigration #OathKeepers #patriotFront #BlueLeaks #police
Project on Government Oversight's report on the over 300 Oath Keepers that have ironically been working at the Department of Homeland Security, Secret Service, Customs & Border Patrol, the Coast Guard and even in the FBI's counter-terrorism units & contractors.
RT @tagesschau@twitter.com
Anführer rechtsextremer Miliz wegen Sturm aufs US-Kapitol verurteilt http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/amerika/oath-keepers-sturm-kapitol-usa-urteil-101.html #OathKeepers
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/tagesschau/status/1597752440744452096
RT @tagesschau
Anführer rechtsextremer Miliz wegen Sturm aufs US-Kapitol verurteilt http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/amerika/oath-keepers-sturm-kapitol-usa-urteil-101.html #OathKeepers
Referenced link: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/jury-reaches-verdict-oath-keepers-jan-6-seditious/story?id=93866832
Originally posted by Anonymous @YourAnonNews / @YourAnonNews@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/YourAnonNews/status/1597775154574155779#m
Stewart Rhodes, founder of the #OathKeepers, and Kelly Meggs found guilty of Seditious Conspiracy.
First, but I'd guess not the last. https://bit.ly/3AVa1Xu #OathKeepers #ElmerStewartRhodes #Jan6
#OathKeepers #elmerstewartrhodes #jan6
Oath Keepers Leader Convicted of Sedition in Landmark Jan. 6 Case https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/29/us/politics/oath-keepers-trial-verdict-jan-6.html #UnitedStatesPoliticsandGovernment #StormingoftheUSCapitol(Jan,2021) #Right-WingExtremismandAlt-Right #PresidentialElectionof2020 #Harrelson,Kenneth(1980-) #Rhodes,Stewart(1966-) #Caldwell,ThomasEdward #Watkins,JessicaMarie #Meggs,Kelly(1969-) #JusticeDepartment #Biden,JosephRJr #Trump,DonaldJ #OathKeepers
#UnitedStatesPoliticsandGovernment #StormingoftheUSCapitol #Right #PresidentialElectionof2020 #Harrelson #rhodes #Caldwell #Watkins #Meggs #JusticeDepartment #Biden #Trump #OathKeepers
Jury convicts #OathKeepers leader, 1 other of seditious conspiracy in Jan. 6 trial
There's beyond a myriad of reasons to leave #twitter (or stay & just use it for research) and move to another platform like this extinct furry elephant site.
Let me share one of mine…
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#ddosecrets #osint #riptwitter #twittermigration #oathKeepers #patriotFront #BlueLeaks #police
#police #BlueLeaks #patriotFront #OathKeepers #twittermigration #RIPTwitter #osint #ddosecrets #twitter
There's beyond a myriad of reasons to leave #twitter (or stay & just use it for research) and move to another platform like this extinct furry elephant site.
Let me share one of mine…
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#ddosecrets #osint #riptwitter #twittermigration #oathKeepers #patriotFront #BlueLeaks #police
#police #BlueLeaks #patriotFront #OathKeepers #twittermigration #RIPTwitter #osint #ddosecrets #twitter
There's beyond a myriad of reasons to leave #twitter (or stay & just use it for research) and move to another platform like this instinct furry elephant site.
Let me share one of mine…
I can’t do this on tesla-bird app:
#ddosecrets #osint #riptwitter #twittermigration #oathKeepers #patriotFront #BlueLeaks #police
#police #BlueLeaks #patriotFront #OathKeepers #twittermigration #RIPTwitter #osint #ddosecrets #twitter
Good news: #OathKeepers affiliated Mark Finchem lost his race for #Arizona Secretary of State. He was an aggressive election denier seeking to run the state's elections. NYT article here: https://nyti.ms/3WWHjin
Relevant 2021 #MilitiaWatch article on his connections to #militia groups in AZ linked below. Here's a screenshot with some background from the article: https://militia.watch/read/ycpt-az-ok/
#OathKeepers #arizona #MilitiaWatch #Militia