“This isn’t an issue about #abortion,” said Dr. Stella Dantas, the president-elect of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. “This is an issue about access to comprehensive obstetric and gynecologic care. When you restrict access to care that is based in science, that everybody should have access to — that has a ripple effect.”
#abortion #ObGynodon #MedMastodon
"And CPCs’ activities are increasingly being bankrolled by the government. At least 18 states have funded them at some point. Since 2010, 13 of those states have given CPCs about $495 million."
I can think of many better ways to spend one billion dollars a year - #Obgynodon. https://rewirenewsgroup.com/2023/08/30/anti-abortion-centers-spent-over-600m-in-one-year-thats-the-tip-of-the-iceberg/
Vasa Previa: Natural history, Clinical presentation and Management
↪️ https://journals.lww.com/greenjournal/fulltext/2023/09000/vasa_previa.9.aspx
via #TheGreenJournal
#ObGyn #obgynodon #PerinatalHealth #vasaprevia #bleeding #pregnancy
#thegreenjournal #obgyn #ObGynodon #perinatalhealth #vasaprevia #bleeding #pregnancy
Consensus Bundle on Sepsis in Obstetric Care
via #TheGreenJournal 🟢
- Readiness
- Recognition
- Response
- Reporting
- Respectful care
#thegreenjournal #obgyn #ObGynodon #perinatalhealth #Sepsis #delivery
Long post via Dr. Male of Imperial College / London about the #RSV vaccine... on that other social media platform #IDMastodon #ObGynodon - https://twitter.com/VikiLovesFACS/status/1694336102574800913?s=20
earlier today the FDA approved a maternal vaccine for prevention of #RSV in newborns... via @HelenBranswell.
#Obgynodon & #IDMastodon
"Given the increased risk of hospitalization and death from the co-circulation of #influenza virus and SARS-CoV-2 in vulnerable groups, including #pregnant women, vaccination of pregnant women should be prioritized as a cost-effective intervention."
#influenza #pregnant #ObGynodon #IDMastodon
“Hepatitis screening during pregnancy is an opportunity to promote a dialogue between pregnant patients and their clinicians about #hepatitis transmission; ongoing and new risk factors; and, if not previously vaccinated, hepatitis B vaccination in #pregnancy"
New guidelines from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists - #Obgynodon & #IDMastodon.
#hepatitis #pregnancy #ObGynodon #IDMastodon
"Pandemics are increasingly reported to negatively influence pregnancy outcomes," the study authors wrote. "This urges us to better prepare for future pandemics to mitigate their effects on maternal and neonatal health." #Obgynodon & #IDMastodon
"Some 1119 of the nation’s 3143 counties are maternity care deserts, a 2% increase since the 2020 report" - #ObGynodon https://www.bmj.com/content/382/bmj.p1878?=&utm_source=adestra&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=usage&utm_content=daily&utm_term=text&utm_campaign=The%20BMJ%20curated%20daily%20email%20alert&utm_medium=email&utm_source=adestra
#IDMastodon #ObGynodon Systematic review and synthesis of stillbirths and late miscarriages following #SARSCoV2 infections
📌 https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/american-journal-of-obstetrics-and-gynecology/vol/229/issue/2
Recap How #COVID19 Affects #pregnancy @TheScientist
#IDMastodon #ObGynodon #SarsCoV2 #COVID19 #pregnancy
Nice review of an study in AJOG. The story of #stillbirth and #Covid continues to evolve, and vaccination prevents this complication - #IDMastodon & #ObGynodon - https://www.contemporaryobgyn.net/view/covid-19-infection-associated-with-fetal-demise
#stillbirth #COVID #IDMastodon #ObGynodon
A large prospective study of #influenza vaccination during #pregnancy is in this month's edition of "Obstetrics and Gynecology." Conclusion - "Influenza vaccination before or during pregnancy was not associated with miscarriage."
#obgynodon & #IDMastodon
#influenza #pregnancy #ObGynodon #IDMastodon
A large study of #hepatitis C perinatal transmission in this month's "Green Journal." Rate of transmission 6 % - "A viremic threshold for perinatal transmission could not be established."
#obgynodon & #idmastdon
#hepatitis #ObGynodon #idmastdon
lots of back and forth in Texas right now, I thought this was a good overview #obgynodon - https://www.vox.com/2023/8/5/23820360/texas-abortion-ban-medical-exception
Management of impacted fetal head at cesarean delivery
↪️ https://www.ajog.org/article/S0002-9378(22)00858-4/fulltext
#ajog #obgyn #ObGynodon #perinatalhealth #cesarean #delivery
Big news 🗞️
The #FDA just approved the first oral treatment for postpartum depression! Learn more about Zurzuvae (zuranolone) here: https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-approves-first-oral-treatment-postpartum-depression
#ObGynodon #MedMastodon #PublicHealth #Postpartum #PharmPhriday
#FDA #ObGynodon #MedMastodon #publichealth #postpartum #PharmPhriday
Repair of episiotomy and obstetrical perineal lacerations (first–fourth degree)
↪️ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0002937822005415#mmc1
#ObGyn #obgynodon #PerinatalHealth #perineum #tear #episiotomy #sphincter
#ajog #obgyn #ObGynodon #perinatalhealth #perineum #tear #episiotomy #sphincter
"The prevalence of maternal #hepatitis C virus infection has significantly increased in the U.S. since the start of the opioid epidemic in 1998" - I think I may have already posted this #ObGynodon & #IDMastodon but #WorldHepatitisDay was last week. https://www.healio.com/news/womens-health-ob-gyn/20230731/hcvpositive-pregnancies-in-us-increased-16fold-from-1998-to-2018
#hepatitis #ObGynodon #IDMastodon #worldhepatitisday
Another huge #HPV vaccination study from Scandinavia, this time with > 2 million subjects in Norway. The HPV #vaccine was most effective against anogenital warts when given during teen years. #IDMastodon & #ObGynodon
#HPV #Vaccine #IDMastodon #ObGynodon