It bothers me that people are more outraged by #Obama maybe being gay than his war crimes and the other insane illegal crap his administratn did while in office.
Like do you know how many politicians have been gay and lied about it? Even if it's true who cares. The guy had a kill list, expanded/started a bunch of wars, overthrew govts, turned Libya into a slave market, fast/furious, etc etc.
No accountability for any of that but oh no maybe he boned a crackhead in 99. WTFC. he's a mass murderer.
This video shows who and what is behind the media war in the US that began out of the #Obama-Biden State Department and now continues under Biden. Documented in their own words. It clarifies events from 2015-2021 and shows who's behind Trump-Russia.
August 31, 2015, President #Obama officially re-designates Alaska’s Mt. McKinley as Denali, its native American name meaning "The High One."
The High One is composed mostly of Eocene white granite intruded in overlying sedimentary dark rocks ⛰️
📸 by schlifeisgood
DAVID GIGLIO: Everything traces back to #Obama, which is why they are going to such great lengths to bury it all and take out Trump.
Other than FDR, #Obama did more to weaponize and corrupt all facets of the federal government against his political enemies than any other president.
@LilHulkQ U.S. prisons are hell...
Not that I care where that Orange Tyrant is being put in, cuz the fact that he wasn't in a 6'x6'x6' concrete box since #Jan6 already is too much leniency.
Had #Obama done such an attempt for a #coup and #insurrection, he would've been shot by firing squad in public before dawn of the next day.
#insurrection #coup #Obama #Jan6
У продовження фідбеку про фільм Обами "Working", де той досліджує питання середнього класу в Штатах.
До речі, створення цих документалок – це один з основних джерел доходу для Обами, так само як і написання книжок від його імені.
У третій серії камера показує помешкання 60-річного чорношкірого лобіста з Міссісіпі – він був сенатором два терміни й після завершення термінів вирішив кілька років представляти інтереси різних груп
Саме за Обами США практично не дали відповідь на анексію Криму, зло не було покарано, а як свідчать нові документи, для Обами Крим – це про людей, які говорять російською, значить вони близькі до раші
Одним словом, Обама – це про Штати та їхні проблеми, й ігнорування міжнародної політики та помилкові рішенння
😎 Переглянув другу серію документалки від Барака Обами "Working" на Netflix.
62-річний Обама досліджує питання середнього класу в Штатах, при цьому сам є мільйонером.
🔒 Документалка є доволі корисною аби зрозуміти, як живе більшість людей в Штатах, якими є їхні цінності (дисклеймер – дуже базові)
👉 Однак в наступному тутсі – рефлексії щодо Обами для України
Ось більше про документалку:
Трейлер –
@housepanther @Radical_EgoCom @TomSwirly
Case in point: #Trump's #Coup at #Jan6 failed because he didn't sway key supporters.
All his fans could do is vandalism and incriminate themselves.
Unlike #Biden who has yet to get shit back to the level of #Obama's end of second term...
#Obama #Biden #Jan6 #coup #Trump
If you're planning to deal with 'Crimes against Humanity' why didn't you mention #Bush #Blair #Clinton #Obama #Trump #Biden #Putin #Zelensky and all the #NATO Leaders who've left a trail of destruction everywhere they've operated....?
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib: Syrian Dictator Bashar al-Assad is a war criminal.
I introduced the Justice for Syrians resolution with Rep. @Ilhan to hold Assad accountable for crimes against humanity.
It’s time for the Syrian people to have justice.
#bush #Blair #clinton #Obama #trump #Biden #Putin #Zelensky #nato
📚 Obama's summer reading recommendations revealed amid banned books outcry #Obama #books #bookbans
With summer in full swing, Obama recently shared his list of nine must-read books for the season. However, he also used this opportunity to discuss the growing number of books being banned across the country.
#bookstodon #bookrecommendations #BookBans #Books #Obama
Il presidente israeliano #IsaacHerzog accorto dagli applausi si è’ espresso in maniera chiarissima di fronte al Congresso americano, consentire all'#Iran di possedere la bomba atomica è "inaccettabile" un messaggio chiaro per #Biden e un richiamo a #Obama
#IsaacHerzog #iran #Biden #Obama
@Free_Press There's war in #Ukraine waged by Russia since the invasion of #Crimea in 2014. After #Obama's ineptitude and lack of meaningful response, which undermined the USA's authority, #Trump had 4 years to make it right and prove that the US is still the world leader. He's failed, too, already. Only his cult members would now believe that Trump could make it right.
#Ukraine #Crimea #Obama #trump
#Obama takes to #TikTok to support #libraries’ fight against #bookBans | The Washington Post [no paywall] #USpol #1A
#Obama #tiktok #libraries #bookBans #USPol #1a
Taylor Taranto, who may have been inspired by Donald #Trump to attempt an assassination of Barack #Obama, will be detained pending trial on #Jan6-related charges.
But the magistrate judge who ordered his detention also voiced criticism for the US's failure to provide mental health support for veterans like Taranto: “You have to pay the price for our failure. I’m sorry.”
The judge also lamented the lack of accountability for elected officials who misled Jan6 rioters.
If you want to give yourself anxiety/🙄/😱 watch July 11 2023 interview #AriMelber with #bobWoodward & a former #obama admin Dr
Trump is HORRIBLE no doubt, but the #gaslighting on #sarscov2 is un-f%king-believable
SARS2 shares 79% similarity to #sarscov1 but it’s DEFINITELY no big deal b/c miraculously it mutated to be harmless in <3 years!
Also IF it were actually a #labLeak accidental or otherwise, wouldn’t you try HARDER not to catch it? GOP screams #bioweapon but no caution warranted.. 😶😐🙄
#arimelber #bobwoodward #Obama #gaslighting #sarscov2 #sarscov1 #lableak #bioweapon
He had just livestreamed his activities, stating he was outside Barack Obama's residence. He was a Jan. 6 insurrectionist.
And there's this: on the day he was arrested, Taranto re-posted a posting by Trump on Truth Social publishing Obama's address.
The NY Times published one story about this arrest, apparently not in print but only online. It does NOT mention Trump at all.
What's that about?
NewYorkTimes #MediaFail #Trump #Obama #Jan6 #insurrection #violence #TaylorTaranto
#mediafail #trump #Obama #Jan6 #insurrection #violence #taylortaranto
Jamison Foser compares the ink the NY Times spilled over the non-story of Sarah Huckabee Sanders being snubbed at a Virginia restaurant in 2028 with the ink the NY Times did NOT spill writing about the recent story of Taylor Taranto's arrest.
Remember that story? Taranto was arrested near the Obamas' house with guns, hundreds of rounds of ammunition, and bomb-making material in his van.
#NewYorkTimes #MediaFail #Trump #Obama #Jan6 #insurrection #violence
#newyorktimes #mediafail #trump #Obama #Jan6 #insurrection #violence