T****'s list of things he said would be "so easy" to fix "on #DayOne" (2016):
o Repeal & Replace #ObamaCare with something "better & cheaper that covers everyone."
o Declare China a "currency manipulator" as part of their "unfair trade practices" with the U.S..
o "Build a Wall™" on our Southern Border "and Mexico will pay for it."
o "Ethics reforms" to "drain the swamp".
o renegotiate NAFTA.
o Invest $550B in "infrastructure".
o #LockHerUp for mishandling #ClassifiedDocs.
#Obamacare #lockherup #classifieddocs #dayone
How Often Do Health Insurers Say No to Patients?
No One Knows.
Insurers’ denial rates are a critical measure of how reliably they pay for customers’ care. But they remain mostly secret to the public.
There’s nowhere a consumer or employer can go to look up all insurers’ denial rates.
Federal and state regulators have done little to change that.
#Health #HealthCare #Insurance #Obamacare #AffordableCareAct #Hospitals #Doctors #Patients
#health #healthcare #insurance #Obamacare #affordablecareact #hospitals #doctors #patients
#Obamacare preventive care provision temporarily restored | The Hill
On our commentary page: Health activist #lpackard explains why she and other advocates are calling on #GOP members of Congress, including #derrickvanorden, to renounce cuts to Medicare and Social Security and abandon efforts to repeal #Obamacare.
#lpackard #gop #derrickvanorden #Obamacare
White House Ends #Covid National Emergency Weeks Ahead of Deadline https://politicaliq.com/2023/04/11/white-house-ends-covid-national-emergency-weeks-ahead-of-deadline/ #Covid19 #Covid_19 #Vaccines #Medicaid #Obamacare #AffordableCareAct #politicaliq #news #politics
#covid #COVID19 #COVID_19 #vaccines #medicaid #Obamacare #affordablecareact #politicaliq #News #politics
@olavf There is no doubt about that. We have a long way to go to get to universal healthcare but #ObamaCare was a pretty good first step.
How Obamacare Enabled a Multibillion-Dollar Christian Health Care Cash Grab
Capitalizing on the pressure to pass the Affordable Care Act, a conservative lobbyist created an exception for faith-based health coverage, opening the door for “bad actors.”
#Insurance #Obamacare #Health #HealthCare #ACA #Fraud #Lobbying
#insurance #Obamacare #health #healthcare #aca #fraud #lobbying
Amazing what the #ACA accomplished. And amazing that some politicians would rather throw their constituents under the bus.
Why the South has such low credit scores - The Washington Post
#AffordableCareAct #Obamacare #MedicaidExpansion #Poverty #MedicalDebt #CreditScore
#aca #affordablecareact #Obamacare #medicaidexpansion #poverty #medicaldebt #creditscore
I don't care about the Biden documents, but the #Democrats and pundits hand-wringing about Biden's 2024 run should be thinking about how unpopular he'll be when the #covid #PublicHealth emergency ends and people are kicked off #Medicaid.
Biden was vice president when the #AffordableCareAct (aka #Obamacare) passed. Now he's taking away care during a #pandemic. People are going to hate him for this, but the Beltway insiders are too out of touch to realize this
#democrats #covid #publichealth #medicaid #affordablecareact #Obamacare #pandemic #CovidIsNotOver
#Biden Administration Plans to Expand #Obamacare Coverage for #BirthControl https://politicaliq.com/2023/01/30/biden-administration-to-expand-obamacare-coverage-for-birth-control/ #contraception #religious #ACA #politicaliq #news #politics
#biden #Obamacare #birthcontrol #contraception #religious #aca #politicaliq #News #politics
Millions to Lose #Medicaid Under #OmnibusSpendingBill https://politicaliq.com/2022/12/21/millions-to-lose-medicaid-under-omnibus-spending-bill/ #CHIPS #medicare #Obamacare #Congress #politicaliq #news #politics
#medicaid #omnibusspendingbill #chips #medicare #Obamacare #congress #politicaliq #News #politics
#Obamacare So Far Sees a Nearly One-Fifth Increase in Sign-Ups https://politicaliq.com/2022/12/07/obamacare-so-far-sees-a-nearly-one-fifth-increase-in-sign-ups/ #HealthInsurance #politicaliq #news #politics
#Obamacare #healthinsurance #politicaliq #News #politics
Along with #HHS official, Milwaukee County Exec #DavidCCrowley urges Wisconsinites who need health insurance to sign up for #AffordablaCareAct — a/k/a #Obamacare — by next week’s deadline. In today's #WisconsinExaminer by #BaylorSpears
#baylorspears #wisconsinexaminer #Obamacare #affordablacareact #davidccrowley #hhs #news
Sharing today's news from the Wisconsin Examiner:
#Obamacare open enrollment starts today. Our reporter Baylor Spears follows a series of info sessions & rallies to encourage people to sign up for Affordable Care Act coverage. #Wisconsin #Insurance commissioner, #CoveringWisconsin, #TammyBaldwin #MarkPocan, #ProtectOurCare
#ProtectOurCare #markpocan #tammybaldwin #coveringwisconsin #insurance #wisconsin #Obamacare
RT @QondiNtini@twitter.com
Look at our favorite Presidents strutting through these Twitter streets
“Tell ‘em Joe”
“Obamacare is a BFD!”
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/QondiNtini/status/1554516412844097537
I'll phrase it as civilly as I'm able:
Those illiterate Floridian chronically unemployable morbidly obese MAGA trailer park knuckle-dragging mouth-breathers who each already have more kids than there are Miami Dolphins, need to get their tubes cut/tied.
Would #ObamaCare cover this? It should.
#SCOTUS rejects a republican attempt to have the Affordable Care Act (#Obamacare) thrown out in its entirety, ruling the plaintiffs had no standing, and leaving the entire law in place https://edition.cnn.com/2021/06/17/politics/supreme-court-affordable-care-act-obamacare/index.html
#Biden signs executive orders to roll back #Trump restrictions on #abortion, #obamacare, and family planning funding. All well a nd good, but imagine what might be possible if the US had a functioning legislature. They could pass laws https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/biden-moves-roll-back-trump-restrictions-abortion-obamacare-n1255946
#biden #trump #abortion #Obamacare
#SCOTUS Justices Roberts and Kavanaugh indicate that they do not approve of #gop arguments that #Obamacare is unconstitutional and should be struck down in toto https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-11-10/trump-shaped-supreme-court-poised-to-hear-his-challenge-to-aca
#SCOTUS will take up the case of whether the #ACA (#Obamacare) is unconstitutional November 4, before we even know who won the election. Ruling the law unconstitutional would subject #transgender patients to discrimination anywhere state law is silent https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/26/as-the-future-of-obamacare-heads-to-the-supreme-court-so-does-trans-rights
#scotus #aca #Obamacare #transgender