I've written a new #behavioural #research blog, about studies into ##obesity and #anxiety
#behavioural #research #Obesity #anxiety #zebrafish
To me, the linked article is about obesity, culture and food and should maybe become a part of our educational system in the US if we want to remain a civilized country.
Come to think about it, unless you go to a sit down restaurant, getting healthy food at fast food places is quite a rare thing. And it's not because food places can't offer healthy foods; there's just no market for it in the US.
/Rant Over/
Friendly reminder NOT to attack people suffering from #obesity that are using #ozempic or #wegovy to control hunger for the shortage of these meds and how it affect people with #diabetes ...
The mere fact that these meds work and give drastic #weightloss, shows that obesity often is the result of a chronical illness caused by hormone imbalance and not a "lifestyle choice you can change by trying a little harder". (1/4)
#Obesity #ozempic #Wegovy #diabetes #weightloss
L'attivazione di speciali cellule cerebrali aiuta a perdere peso senza alzarsi dal letto
#dimagrimento #peso #salute #benessere #neuroni #cellule #obesity
#dimagrimento #peso #salute #benessere #neuroni #cellule #Obesity
Good news on the #Obesity #WeightLoss front.
I consider myself a bit of a fried chicken connoisseur.
Finally tried Jollibee's here in LA. Spicy chicken sandwich and a 3 piece regular.
Disappointing to say the least.
#Obesity #hypertension #jollibee #friedchicken
European Association for the Study of Obesity Position Statement on Medical Nutrition Therapy for the Management of #Overweight and #Obesity in Adults
📌 Obesity affects nearly 1 in 4 European adults increasing their risk for mortality and physical and psychological morbidity.
📌 Obesity is a chronic relapsing disease characterized by abnormal or excessive adiposity with risks to health.
"Lead researcher Prof Mark Christian, of Nottingham Trent University’s school of science and technology, said: “Gut microbe fragments that enter the blood stream reduce normal fat cell function and their metabolic activity, which is exacerbated with weight gain, contributing to increased diabetes risk.
“It appears that as we gain weight, our fat stores are less able to limit the damage that gut microbe fragments may cause to fat cells"
#Obesity #Microbiome #FatCells
#fatcells #microbiome #Obesity
Guidelines for #Kids With #Obesity: Family and Treatment Are Key
This @NHS #factsheet recommends that you #Boycottpalmoil for your #health. Eating #palmoil is linked to #stroke, #heartdisease #obesity and more. Go #palmoilfree for yourself and rainforest animals #Boycott4Wildlife @palmoildetectives
#factsheet #Boycottpalmoil #health #palmoil #stroke #heartdisease #Obesity #palmoilfree #Boycott4Wildlife
The pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk, that makes Wegovy slimming jabs, is funding the expansion of #NHS weight-loss services across #England as it seeks to boost sales of its obesity drugs.
It pays staff salaries on NHS obesity teams & financed the launch & redesign of services, including giving £206,000 to a health partnership to transform its treatment of obesity.
More backdoor privatisation of the NHS.
#Obesity #NHSEngland #NovoNordisk #wegovy #NHSprivatisation #england #nhs
Also in @sciencemagazine this week: Giuseppe Matarese pens a Perspective on the link between #obesity and #autoimmunity!
#immunometabolism #overnutrition #T1D #MS #Tregs #adipocytes #CaloricRestriction #immunotherapy
#immunotherapy #caloricrestriction #adipocytes #tregs #ms #t1d #overnutrition #immunometabolism #autoimmunity #Obesity
‘The annual cost of humanity’s growing paunch will reach 2.9% of global GDP by 2035 in the form of healthcare spending and of work time lost to illness and premature deaths, the equivalent of another Covid-19 pandemic every year’ #PublicHealth #obesity #BigPharma
#publichealth #Obesity #bigpharma
RT @UriAlonWeizmann
1/14 We consume about a million calories every year, yet our weight stays nearly constant. What circuit can do that? What determines our weight? A new graphical model sheds light on fat mass regulation.
@iScience_CP @AlonBar10
#obesity #systemsphysiology
“Researchers found that #neighborhoods equipped with markers of #urbandevelopment like #sidewalks and crosswalks were linked to reductions in #obesity and high blood pressure, for example. Similarly, more road signs and street lights correlated with lower prevalence of high #cholesterol and even #cancer, as well as reduced #depression and smoking.” https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-02-21/why-sidewalks-and-street-lights-make-for-healthier-neighborhoods
#Depression #cancer #cholesterol #Obesity #sidewalks #urbandevelopment #neighborhoods
Maternal fiber deprivation alters microbiota in offspring, resulting in low-grade inflammation and predisposition to obesity - in mice 🐭 🐁 #microbiome #diet #fiber #obesity
#Obesity #fiber #diet #microbiome
Distribution of energy intake across the day and weight loss: A systematic review and meta-analysis https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/obr.13537 #obesity #diet #weightloss
[OC] #Obesity rate (%) by country over time
Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/105t040/oc_obesity_rate_by_country_over_time/
It wasn’t an accident. Cities and suburbs that prioritized cars over people, and designed exercise and activity out of daily life, were deliberately planned and built.
The better cities that are the solution will need to be deliberately planned and built too.
#HealthyCities #urbanism #cities #design #cars #transportation #PublicHealth #obesity
#Obesity #publichealth #transportation #cars #design #cities #urbanism #HealthyCities