We are finishing strong with our Horizontal #Objectives2022! These are essential to supporting the agency's operational work and are focused on:
🎯Ensuring communication and transparency
🎯Sound and secure ICT
🎯Effective governance
8⃣To implement the project on the #CoastGuard(CG) handbook and the results of the CG Qualifications Network.
With our goals set on:
🎯Keeping the handbook updated & online
🎯Enhancing cooperation on CG training
🎯Managing an online platform to host the handbook
7⃣To Support fisheries control and national authorities working in #CoastGuard functions in order to get:
🎯Better fisheries control through making available services/means
🎯Ensuring the involvement of the fisheries community in initiatives of other Agencies
6⃣To strengthen compliance through the implementation of EU🇪🇺 international projects.
Through this, we expect to:
🎯Apply the Annual Work Programme of the projects
🎯Harmonise third countries' legal framework
🎯Increase the capacity of their fisheries officials
5⃣ Support the 🇪🇺 in the implementation of the external dimension of the #CommonFisheriesPolicy in:
🎯International inspection schemes, pilot projects & specific campaigns
🎯Training to 3rd countries
🎯@EU_MARE #IUU missions & promoting authorities collaboration
#Objectives2022 #CommonFisheriesPolicy #IUU
RT @EFCA_EU: We want you to get to know our work programme and objectives for this year, so we are starting our new series #Objectives2022 in which we'll be sharing one of them daily!
Here's the first one👇
4⃣ Analysis of the weighing process of fisheries products in the Member States & strategy
🎯 Describing weighing practices
🎯 Evaluating sampling & control plans and methods
🎯 Guiding Member Sates to ensure efficient & effective weighing of fisheries products
3⃣Development of training on Monitoring, Control & Surveillance activities
Sponsoring our e-learning platform, supporting national training activities, providing updated training material & provision coast guard cross-functional training, are our aims!🇪🇺💻
2⃣Development of methodologies & fisheries information systems in support of Monitoring, Control & Surveillance activities.
#Weassist🤲🇪🇺Member States, regional bodies & the @EU_Commission through improving standard risk, compliance evaluation & data management.
1⃣Effective coordination of joint #FisheriesControl operations.
In order to:
🎯Improve compliance, level playing field & cost-effectiveness in all 6 #JointDeploymentPlans.
🎯Increase synergies & transparency between the participating Member States.
#Objectives2022 #fisheriescontrol #JointDeploymentPlans
We want you to get to know our work programme and objectives for this year, so we are starting our new series #Objectives2022 in which we'll be sharing one of them daily!
Here's the first one👇