This is a video discussing all of the important geographic factors from #astronomy, as they relate to both professional #observatories and the amateur backyard observer: "We discuss light pollution, transparency, seeing, accessibility, and go into depth about how the interface with astronomy. More importantly I discuss how your geography can help inform you what #telescope you should get, or where to drive to use a telescope you already own."
#telescope #Observatories #astronomy
Very sad to hear the news today that the University of Sydney plans to no longer support the Molonglo Observatory after June 2023.
This important piece of Australian astronomical history is still producing some excellent scientific results today, esp. in the field of Fast Radio Bursts.
There is so much to love about this telescope, I hope it finds funding (philanthropic, commercial, Govt, crowdsourced, etc.) to keep it going.
Wrote about its incredible history and science contributions here (from March 2022):
#RadioAstronomy #Observatories #Heritage #Telescopes #FastRadioBursts #SpaceAustralia #Astrodon
#radioastronomy #Observatories #heritage #telescopes #fastradiobursts #SpaceAustralia #Astrodon
Astronomical tent #observatories, relics of a bygone era: ("long-haul oceanic voyages of exploration and discovery routinely carried astronomical tent observatories to support land-based longitude determinations using heavy and cumbersome astronomical regulators and transit telescopes").
A tough anniversary for our capital city today — 20 years from the day of those horrific fires.
A little while back I visited the historical Mt Stromlo Observatory which experienced catastrophic events. Wrote this feature article about it.
#SpaceAustralia #Astrodon #Observatories #Astronomy
📸 me (2019)
#SpaceAustralia #Astrodon #Observatories #astronomy
NSF and SpaceX reach agreement to reduce Starlink effects on #astronomy #SpaceX said it would continue to work to dim its satellites to no brighter than the 7th magnitude, making them invisible to the naked eye and reducing, but not eliminating, their effect on sensitive astronomical instruments-. SpaceX also agreed not to transmit when their satellites pass over major radio #observatories.
#astronomy #spacex #Observatories
Not sure how many Edinburgh-based folk are on here (and following me), but I’m giving a talk to the Old Edinburgh Club on 18 January about the city and its observatory in the 19th century
#edinburgh #observatories #history #astronomy #histsci #histSTM #histastro
#HistAstro #histstm #histsci #Astronomy #History #Observatories #edinburgh
#Lightpollution indicators for all the major astronomical #observatories: -> Three quarters of major observatories affected by light pollution:
#Observatories #lightpollution
@SonicAlligator if we're not considering the budget and we're just dreaming, I'd like to go to #Argentina and #Chile for my next #travel, I wanna see #BuenosAires, #Mendoza, #Bariloche, #SantiagodeChile #Valparaíso and one of the #Observatories in the #AtacamaDesert
#argentina #chile #travel #buenosaires #Mendoza #Bariloche #santiagodechile #valparaiso #Observatories #AtacamaDesert
At 19.00 CET [18:00 UTC], join a special, live virtual guided tour of #ESO sites. Get to see what goes on behind the scenes at our #observatories in Chile, located in one of the most remote places on Earth. Discover what it takes to operate a #telescope in the middle of the Atacama Desert and what #astronomers are looking to find out there. Join us in the integration hall of the ESO Headquarters in Germany and much more.
#eso #Observatories #telescope #astronomers #astronomy #europeansouthernobservatory
Visita virtual aos #Observatórios da #ESO no Chile. Hoje, às 18:00 UT.
Virtual tour to the Chilean ESO #Observatories. Today at 18:00 (UT).
#observatorios #eso #Observatories
There are places that are so special they bring warmth to the even the coldest hearts. I love this place. The University of Canterbury's Mount John Observatory. Here seen on a night with intense airglow earlier this year #astronomy #observatories #NewZealand
#astronomy #Observatories #newzealand
Anthony Horton is an instrument scientist at the Australian Astronomical Observatory in Sydney, and is working on the international MAVIS project. You can follow at:
➡️ @spacelizard
Horton posts particularly about telescopes and observatories themselves, including lots of photos.
You can find out more about MAVIS at
#AnthonyHorton #Astronomy #Space #Observatory #Observatories #Telescope #Telescopes #InstrumentScientist #InstrumentScientists #Science #Scientists #AAO
#AAO #Scientists #science #InstrumentScientists #InstrumentScientist #Telescopes #telescope #Observatories #observatory #space #astronomy #AnthonyHorton
Jason Nishiyama is a professional astronomer and university lecturer who posts lots of stuff about stars and the universe. You can follow at:
#JasonNishiyama #Science #Scientists #Scientist #Astronomy #Astronomers #Astronomer #Stars #Star #Telescope #Telescopes #Observatories #Observatory #Physics #Universe
#universe #physics #observatory #Observatories #Telescopes #telescope #star #stars #Astronomer #astronomers #astronomy #scientist #Scientists #science #JasonNishiyama
A nice article on Korado Korlević and the Višnjan Observatory, one of the leaders in discovering near-Earth objects.
#Observatories #NearEarthObjects #space