Discover the hidden benefits of occupational therapists: From professional boundaries to wellness models
#occupationaltherapists #deficitwellnessmodel #workplaceaccommodations #schoolsuccess #ergonomics #physicaltherapy
Maryna Mammoliti is a psychiatrist.
Listen here:
#OccupationalTherapists #deficitwellnessmodel #workplaceaccommodations #schoolsuccess #ergonomics #physicaltherapy
"Respect Share Listen Reflect Learn and Grow" sound like great instructions for #OccupationalTherapists at our first meeting on international perspectives on #OccupationalTherapyEducation - #ICOTE2023
#icote2023 #occupationaltherapyeducation #OccupationalTherapists
A resource worth sharing not only to #physiotherapists #physical therapists but also to other #rehab professionals. #acutecarept #acutept #occupationaltherapists #ot #critcare #ptfam #choosept 👍
#Physiotherapists #physical #rehab #acutecarept #acutePT #OccupationalTherapists #ot #critcare #ptfam #choosept
Hi @janetfolland and @jacki_liddle
Have you come across @fediot and are there other OYs in the Fediverse yet? @OT_Expert is eager to have people (#OccupationalTherapists) signing on. #AHPs #OT @BronwynHemsley
#OccupationalTherapists #ahps #ot