Global News BC: B.C. funds $25 million more for marine restoration, doubling program #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #coastalrestoration #marinerestoration #B.C.environment #BritishColumbia #coastalcleanup #marinecleanup #OceanCleanup #Environment #Politics #Science #coastal #MARINE #coast
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #coastalrestoration #marinerestoration #b #coastalcleanup #marinecleanup #OceanCleanup #environment #politics #science #coastal #marine #Coast
During Los Angeles County's rainy season, Ocean Cleanup's Ballona Creek Trash Interceptor 007 prevented 77 tons of trash making it out to the Pacific Ocean -- that's huge!
#LA #LosAngeles #OceanCleanup #ocean #environment #california
#california #environment #ocean #OceanCleanup #losangeles #la
New study highlights urgent need for rules & procedures on environmental impact assessment under the new International Agreement on the conservation & sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction using #plastic ‚#OceanCleanUp’ as example👇
🌎 Hey guys! It's Ashika—Akaei wanted me to take this photo and post it for #EarthDay. She would've posted it herself but she's too busy doodling.
I've set up a fundraiser on IG ( for The #OceanCleanup, who are dedicated to making the ocean #PlasticFree. If you're able to donate, any amount would be appreciated! #HappyEarthDay! <3
🎨: @pielordcollin
⌨️: @JustYourBud
#Earth #ClimateChange #SaveThePlanet #Sustainability #PlasticFreeOceans #ZeroWaste #Art #Doodle #Fundraiser
#fundraiser #doodle #Art #zerowaste #plasticfreeoceans #sustainability #savetheplanet #ClimateChange #Earth #happyearthday #plasticfree #OceanCleanup #EarthDay
The Tyee: A Day in the Life: A Sea Captain (in Culture) #bcnews #TheTyee - via #BamfieldMarineSciencesCentre #residentkillerwhales #BluewaterAdventures #GreatBearRainforest #ThePerfectStormbook #Bigg’skillerwhales #transportcanada #humpbackwhales #GaelenKrause #Kermodebears #OceanCleanup
#BCNews #TheTyee #BamfieldMarineSciencesCentre #residentkillerwhales #BluewaterAdventures #GreatBearRainforest #ThePerfectStormbook #Bigg #transportcanada #humpbackwhales #GaelenKrause #Kermodebears #OceanCleanup
Global News BC: More than 2,400 ‘mystery’ scrap tires removed from remote island off B.C. coast #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #CleanCoastCleanWatersInitiative #scraptiresremovedfromBCisland #OceanLegacyFoundation #environmentalcleanup #BCbeachcleanup #Beachpollution #oceanpollution #NelsonIsland #OceanCleanup #PlasticWaste #Environment #ScrapTires
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #CleanCoastCleanWatersInitiative #scraptiresremovedfromBCisland #OceanLegacyFoundation #environmentalcleanup #BCbeachcleanup #Beachpollution #oceanpollution #NelsonIsland #OceanCleanup #PlasticWaste #environment #ScrapTires
Bonjour #Fediverse !
Une petite pensée pour nos océans.
#NftArtWork #Nft #Tezos #Xarb
#VisualArt #Abstract
#Photography #Photogram
#Water #eaux #OceanPollution #OceanCleanup #Oceanics #OceanRebellion #OceanRebellion
#OceanRebellion #Oceanics #OceanCleanup #OceanPollution #eaux #Water #photogram #Photography #Abstract #visualart #xarb #tezos #NFT #NFTartwork #Fediverse
Sherman's Lagoon - The Send-It-Back 6000:
#OceanCleanup #Garbage #MarineDebris #PlasticDebris #WasteManagement #EnvironmentalImpact #Litter #Littering #StopLittering #SendItBack6000 #ShermansLagoon
#ShermansLagoon #SendItBack6000 #StopLittering #Littering #Litter #EnvironmentalImpact #wastemanagement #PlasticDebris #MarineDebris #garbage #OceanCleanup
Todd Crawford - Just Six Countries Responsible for 90% of Identifiable Waste in North Pacific Garbage Patch:
#OceanCleanup #NorthPacificGarbagePatch #NPGP #Garbage #MarineDebris #PlasticDebris #OceanPlastics #WasteManagement #EnvironmentalImpact #InvasiveSpecies #Oceanography #EnvironmentalScience
#EnvironmentalScience #Oceanography #invasivespecies #EnvironmentalImpact #wastemanagement #OceanPlastics #PlasticDebris #MarineDebris #garbage #NPGP #NorthPacificGarbagePatch #OceanCleanup