Hope y’all have a peaceful and restful second Sunday of #Advent!
#secondadvent #zweiterAdvent #anglican #episcopal #episcopalian #altkatholisch #peace #pax #paix #frieden #мир #pace #OcomeOcomeEmmanuel #kommheilandkomm
#altkatholisch #peace #pax #paix #frieden #мир #pace #OcomeOcomeEmmanuel #kommheilandkomm #advent #secondadvent #zweiterAdvent #anglican #episcopal #episcopalian
#Advent #Chant #OcomeOcomeEmmanuel
⁴He will judge between the nations.
He’ll settle problems among many of them.
They will hammer their swords into plows.
They’ll hammer their spears into pruning tools.
Nations will not go to war against one another.
They won’t even train to fight anymore.
⁵People of Jacob, come.
Let us live the way the Lord has taught us to.
—Isaiah 2:4–5
#advent #chant #OcomeOcomeEmmanuel