Geräuschkulisse Großraumbüro, 10 Personen.
... tapp, tapp, schlüsselklapper, tür auf, tür zu...
... haaatschi! ... gesundheit! ...
... schlüüüürf...
... leises tuscheln ins private handy "nein ich kann jetzt nicht telefonieren, bin auf der arbeit"...
... schreibtischstuhl rollt... und zurück...
... räusper, räusper, bisschen schleim hochziehen...
75% of the value of a meeting are the splinter group conversations happening as it breaks up. Most of the rest is in the sidebars and backchannels.
#meetings #productivity #communication #OfficeCulture
For the love of everything human, how hard is it for bosses to talk to employees like actual grown people instead of verbally abusive language and yelling for the smallest of overlooks?
I know this isn't the norm for a lot of places, but I really think a "leader" who shouts to get things done is no leader at all. Just an iron grip on the wheel of a sinking ship
#agencyproblems #bosses #OfficeCulture
Which beverage works as a morning booster for you at the office?🙃
So are you a coffee person or a tea person.... let me know 🙂
#poll #officeculture #workplace #officepoll #tea #coffee #tealover #coffeelovers #office #worklifebalance
#poll #OfficeCulture #workplace #officepoll #tea #coffee #tealover #coffeelovers #office #WorkLifeBalance
Which beverage works as a morning booster for you at the office?🙃
So are you a coffee person or a tea person.... let me know 🙂
#poll #officeculture #workplace #officepoll #tea #coffee #tealover #coffeelovers #office #worklifebalance
#poll #OfficeCulture #workplace #officepoll #tea #coffee #tealover #coffeelovers #office #WorkLifeBalance
"Friendly Reminder" ist auch so ein komisches Wort. Im Grunde bist du dann einfach nur ein freundliches Arschloch oder was? 😂
#OfficeCulture #Büromensch
I kind of feel like I got up wide awake and felt motivated and somewhat cheery on the way here, then I arrived at the office and now it's stress time and it's all been sapped away.
That's what corporate office culture based on performance reviews does to people. It takes all the motivation out of highly productive people and replaces it with depression.
#work #OfficeCulture #antiwork #depression
A key finding here, IMO, is from the participant questionnaire:
* “Stealing teaspoons is wrong”: 25% “Disagree” or “Strongly disagree”
* “How satisfied are you with teaspoon coverage in the institute?”: 69% “Dissatisfied” or “Very dissatisfied”
so you believe both of those things simultaneously? Cool, cool.
#cognitivedissonance #OfficeCulture #science