@arstechnica Sadly this shit ain't new - I have a 15+ year old #OfficeJet #AllInOne that will complain about lack of ink and will refuse to #scan or #fax without one manually clicking away the warning on the device.
But that's #hp - level #Assholeism, they do the same with #hp-branded #RAM on their #ProBook|s and #DeskMini as well as #Z-Series #Workstations and brick #unattended & #PXE #boot in the process...
#boot #pxe #unattended #Workstations #z #deskmini #probook #ram #assholeism #hp #fax #scan #Allinone #OfficeJet
#Konfiguration von #HP #OfficeJet 4500n unter #Ubuntu
#Vorbereitung für #Nutzung von #Wlan, damit ich den #Drucker einen anderen #Standort #zuweisen kann.
#HPLIP #konfiguration #hp #OfficeJet #ubuntu #Vorbereitung #nutzung #wlan #drucker #Standort #zuweisen #raumhueter