Ready to take my place alongside the other members of the anti-growth coalition #OGWN #OhGodWhatNow
Some of my go to places for my interest in politics and current affairs.
Some serious, some humorous, some both!
#OhGodWhatNow #thenewsagents #Therestispolitics #partlyPoliticalBroadcast #politics #politicsUK
@SturdyAlex @philippeauclair I like to think it does. The delight of Philippe appearing on #OhGodWhatNow this week was like when two of your friends meet at a party and get on famously...
French commentator on #ohgodwhatnow #podcast when asked what simple thing the #uk could do do boost trade, join the single market was the suggestion.
It really is that simple. #brexit #brexitselfharm
#OhGodWhatNow #podcast #uk #brexit #brexitselfharm
@SturdyAlex perhaps a topic for for the next #OhGodWhatNow is what whether joining the #MastoDaoine is a requirement for being on the show 😝
@pimlicat great you came here!! Go and get the rest over here as well #OhGodWhatNow
Allow me to introduce myself. Actor, writer, broadcaster, and #UKpolitics nut. Host of the #BunkerPodcast and #OhGodWhatNow. Progressive, #proEU, #LGBT, and lover of #opera.
#ukpolitics #BunkerPodcast #OhGodWhatNow #proEU #lgbt #opera