· @internetjournalist
20 followers · 492 posts · Server masthead.social

@patrick I got the feedback, that my contact with the Youtube video was not even counted with the surveillence software.
I would always try alternatives.

and libraries of the public
E.G. br.de/kinder/hoeren/betthupfer
.io/ or invidio.us

#reader #Ohrka #jesus #dailymotion #vimeo #invidious #broadcasters #media #podcasts

Last updated 2 years ago

· @internetjournalist
10 followers · 302 posts · Server masthead.social

Online Service Alternatives for those who want to do something against all the might, spying and manipulation from Facebook & Google services. / Online-Alternativen zu den Datenkraken Google und Facebook, für alle, die die Rechte ihrer Mitmenschen respektieren. Protection -hin #/e/os .de

#qwant #nebenan #Schau #Vorleser #fragfinn #Ohrka #startpage #jolla #lineage #metager #swisscows #ecosia #duckduckgo #mastodon #facebook #google #whatsapp #threema #wire #signal #justice #data #datenschutz

Last updated 4 years ago