The ROVers #Serios and #D2 are being prepared to be launched for the dive.
I recommend to watch the launch witch camers 1 and 2 tabbed open in your browser.🤩
Touchdown should be soon since it is a shallow dive.
"Seascape #Alaska 5: Gulf of Alaska Remotely Operated Vehicle Exploration and Mapping" #okeanos
2 deep sea dive streams live now! 🥳
#okeanos #Alaska
#NautilusLive #Hawaii
#Okeanos #alaska #nautiluslive #hawaii
Retrööt NOAA Ocean Exploration @oceanexplorer:
"Update: Today's #seascapealaska dive is a go, and we expect to be on the seafloor by ~1pm AKDT/2pm PDT/5pm EDT. Join us then!
Watch live:
#okeanos #explore
The ROVers are descending right now! 😃
#seascapealaska #Okeanos #explore
Retrööt NOAA Ocean Exploration @oceanexplorer:
"Today’s dive will take us to the southern arm of #BehmCanal, where we'll launch ~10:30 am AKST/11:30 am PDT/ 2:30 pm EDT and #explore the seafloor until ~4:15 pm AKDT/5:15 pm PDT/8:15 pm EDT.
Watch live:
#behmcanal #explore #Okeanos #seascapealaska #ocean #alaska
Todays dive is still on! 😃
"Seascape Alaska 5: Gulf of Alaska Remotely Operated Vehicle Exploration and Mapping
August 23 - September 16, 2023" #okeanos
Retrööt NOAA Ocean Exploration @oceanexplorer
"Land on the horizon while the ROVs are launching isn’t something you see everyday! #Okeanos has moved east into the fjords of the Alexander Archipelago. ROVs are in the water and will #explore until ~4:15m AKDT/5:15pm PDT/8:15pm EDT."
Live stream today just started 🤩
"Seascape Alaska 5: Gulf of Alaska Remotely Operated Vehicle Exploration and Mapping
August 23 - September 16, 2023" #Okeanos
Live stream is still on! 🤩
Seascape Alaska 5: Gulf of #Alaska Remotely Operated Vehicle Exploration and Mapping
August 23 - September 16, 2023
Stream of today's expedition is still live 😄
"Seascape Alaska 5: Gulf of Alaska Remotely Operated Vehicle Exploration and Mapping
August 23 - September 16, 2023"
Launch preparation ongoing, tab open all three cameras for all details. 😃
Retrööt #NOAA Ocean Exploration @oceanexplorer:
"Due to current conditions, today's dive has been pushed back an hour -- but never fear, ROVs are set to launch at 9:30am AKDT/1:30pm EDT and to arrive at the seafloor to explore Quinn Seamount, a volcano, an hour later.
Learn more and watch live: "
Retrööt Christopher Mah @echinoblog:
"OH NICE! #Ceramaster sp. at 895 m likely feeding on a# sponge or somesuch #GiacominiSeamount #okeanos"
#ceramaster #giacominiseamount #Okeanos
#Okeanos is diving again! 🤩
Make shure to have all three cameras tabbed open to see what #D2, #Seirios and the Pilots are watching.
"Seascape #Alaska 5: Gulf of Alaska Remotely Operated Vehicle Exploration and Mapping
August 23 - September 16, 2023"
#okeanos last dive for this expedition:
"Seascape #Alaska 3: Aleutians Remotely Operated Vehicle Exploration and Mapping"
#meermittwoch Der Tauch-Rover der #NOAA #Okeanos Explorer ist auf dem Weg zum Meeresgrund. Vor Alaska schauen sich die Forschenden gleich geologische Formationen und diverse überraschte Critter an. Anderthalb Stunden noch bis es losgeht, das Absinken des Rovers kann man schon mit ansehen:
Die Wissenschaftler*innen treffen etwas an, das wie Star Trek aussieht. #okeanos #SeascapeAlaska
Freunde (mwd) der See aufgepasst: Der Rover der #Okeanos Explorer ist in Alaska auf Tauchgang und kommt in 20 Minuten am Meeresgrund an, um dort die Tiefsee zu erkunden. 🪼
Hear hear, ocean fans: The #NOAA mission #SeascapeAlaska is preparing their ROV for a deep sea dive. Arriving to the ground, soon. 🦐
#Okeanos #noaa #seascapealaska