roughiain · @roughiain
64 followers · 92 posts · Server

There is a generation of people that didn’t know it was once possible to physically put objects on top of a TV

#OldAge #oldmanshoutsatclouds

Last updated 2 years ago

roughiain · @roughiain
64 followers · 92 posts · Server

There is a generation of people that didn’t know it was once possible to physically put objects on top of a TV

#OldAge #oldmanshoutsatclouds

Last updated 2 years ago

Ninon Dubourg · @NinonDubourg
331 followers · 59 posts · Server

And this is what my is about:

How a , , or could prevent both secular and regular clerics from fulfilling their duties, and what has been authorized by the Popes to allow them to enter the clergy, benefit from accommodation or resign from their position!

In my opinion, it shows how worked in relation to the papacy as an institution, alongside highlighting the impact of official ecclesiastical judgments on disabled lives. πŸ’œ

#book #disease #impairment #OldAge #medieval #disability

Last updated 2 years ago

Ninon Dubourg · @NinonDubourg
331 followers · 59 posts · Server

Hi Mastodon!

Here is my !

I am a fellow from the FNRS in , at ULiège (UR "Transitions"), on of people!

So, an "expert" on , , and mostly!

My first book will be out on January 23! Its title: "Disabled clerics in the Late Middle Ages, Un/suitable for divine services?"

I am both proud and frightened, but for now, I have to finish the , so, see you soon here!

#introduction #Postdoctoral #belgium #religious #experiences #disabled #middleages #disability #OldAge #gender #index #histodons #dishist

Last updated 2 years ago