Extending best wishes for a festive and joyous Beltane to all my sisters and brothers celebrating today.
Among my traditions for the day, I return again to Melissa Harrison's collection of Summer essays and don my favourite of all my Nomadic Artistry cuffs.
#OldWays #folklore #pagan #amreading #bookstadon #beltane
Hello friends. I’ve come here to share stories, folklore, and history from the depths of the ancient Windsor Forest. Join me 🌳👁️🌳
#folklore #history #oldways #storytelling #darkfolk #woodland #forest @folklore
#folklore #history #OldWays #storytelling #darkfolk #woodland #forest
Pages from my Book of Shadows
#smokecleansing #saining #ritual #oldways #Irish #Scottish #bookofshadows #witch
#smokecleansing #saining #ritual #OldWays #irish #scottish #bookOfShadows #witch
How to Get the Old Lock Screen Notification View in iOS 16
#Gear/Products/Phones #Gear/HowToandAdvice #notifications #OldWays #iPhone #phones #howto #apple #Gear #tips #ios
#Gear #notifications #OldWays #iphone #phones #howto #Apple #tips #iOS